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Haley's Cabin

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Still waiting for him to tell her what he wanted to drink, and intensely uncomfortable with the way her

mind kept glomming onto certain parts of her wet dream, she ended up babbling.

“Look, I’m not from around here, not really. I just use this cabin for a quiet getaway from time to time.”

She sighed and shut the refrigerator door. She was getting chilled standing in front of it in her bikini top.

“I’ve just been through a rather ugly divorce, and my doctor recommended I take a break from work for

awhile. To regroup. I chose to come here because not many people know about my cabin. I earned it in

the divorce settlement.” Earned it for all the emotional and physical abuse she’d taken from her pathetic

excuse for a husband.

Page 10

She took a deep breath, popped the top on her bottled water and gulped a refreshing portion of it

before adding, “So, once more I’ll ask you. What do you want to drink?”

“Water’s fine,” he answered, and a roguish grin spread over his face as he started toward her. “Who’s

your doctor, Haley?”

Haley opened the door again, grabbed a bottle for Jeremy and handed it to him. He stood a foot away

from her, and she swore she smelled his musky male scent. He was sweaty from hiking up the road and

he looked like he could use a shower. None of that took away from his masculine appeal. Not one iota.

Jeremy was a tall—six-foot-two or so—heavily built, hard-all-over hunk. Yep, the sweat just added to

the scenery. That’s when she realized she was staring, drooling probably, and not answering his question.

“My doctor?” she asked, sounding lik

e a slow-witted ninny.

His grin grew wider and a dimple appeared on his left cheek. A dimple. Oh lordy. Haley wanted to kiss

that dimple. She wanted to kiss more than his dimple, to be honest. God, the man was sexy.

“Yeah, I’m just a little curious, who recommended this trip to you?”

“My doctor’s name is Brad French.”

Jeremy nodded, then took a long swallow from his own bottle of water before replying, “Brad French is

my brother.”

His brother? How could it be? Something seemed very fishy.

Haley planted her hands on her towel-wrapped hips, trying to look as serious as possible in a two-piece.

“I’m miles from home, how can it be I just happen to come across my doctor’s brother, the same doctor

who recommended I go on this trip to begin with?”

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