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Haley's Cabin

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Jeremy was just as confused, but to his way of thinking, questioning it was just idiotic. He had a free

weekend and there was a gorgeous woman standing in front of him. What was there to question? Still,

seeing Haley’s belligerent stance and her accusing stare, he knew he needed to smooth her ruffled

feathers or the weekend would be a total bust.

“I agree with you, Haley, this whole thing is starting to smell like a set-up. I was told by my helpful

brother Doc Brad to take a weekend away from the job. Hell, he handed me the keys to his cabin and

nearly shoved me on my way!” He sighed when he saw her posture hadn’t relaxed the slightest.

“Look, all I know is that my car broke down and when I went for help, I found you.” He looked her

over, wishing for the hundredth time she’d left off the damn towel, and let his voice drop to a low

whisper. “I wasn’t about to pass you up, Haley. Not a chance in hell.”

For a long time they stood there, staring each other down, waiting. Finally, Jeremy saw the strain leave

Haley’s shoulders and she gave him a cute little half-smile.

“Okay, I think your brother might have been playing matchmaker, but I suppose it’s not fair for me to

take it out on you.” She paused. “You two look a lot alike. So, where’s the cabin you were supposed to

be using?”

Page 11

Jeremy didn’t much like her comparing him to Brad, but he shook off the odd feeling and told her the

address. To his surprise, he was on the right street. He couldn’t have known, because in the deep parts

of Hocking Hills, Ohio, folks didn’t seem to believe in street signs. If Jeremy had kept walking, he would

be at his brother’s cabin, as it was the one adjacent to hers.

“I imagine you’ve had enough walking for one day. How about if I give you a ride over?”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.” He enjoyed Haley Thorne’s company, and he wasn’t in a huge hurry to be rid

of her. “Would you care to come for dinner tonight? I’d like to thank you for helping me.”

She only smiled as she sidled past him and started out of the kitchen. When she picked up a set of keys

from a hook by the front door, he realized she was giving him the brush off. His entire body rebelled.

Once they were on the front porch, Jeremy grabbed his duffel bag and let Haley lead him to her Jeep.

He shook his head, disgusted with his own reaction to her dismissal. He really wanted to spend more

time with Haley. He wasn’t above begging, either.

“I’d love to have dinner with you, Jay, but do you have food in your cabin?”

He nearly kissed her, relieved he was going to have a chance at seducing the pretty brunette. But that

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