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Haley's Cabin

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with his girlfriend, I began taking self-defense classes. I wanted to feel safe, to know he’d never get the

upper hand again.”

His eyebrows shot up and he grinned from ear to ear. “You are one tough lady, do you know that?” She

only blushed. “Remind me to never piss you off,” Jeremy teased.

“Hey, he had it coming.”

“No doubt. I’d say he had that and a helluva lot more coming to him.”

She only shrugged. “Once Eric realized he had indeed done the dumbest thing imaginable, gone and

pissed off a computer and electronics whiz, he all but hit the porch running.”

Jeremy chuckled. “I think I would have loved to have seen that.”

Haley laughed with him and Jeremy enjoyed hearing the melodious sound. There was a lot about Haley

he was starting to enjoy.

Now that dinner was over and they’d had their little heart-to-heart, it was time to get on with the more

exciting part of their evening. The part he’d been anticipating since he first laid eyes on her. Christ, it was

sickening how badly he wanted her. He hadn’t burned this bad for a woman in a long time. Hell, if ever!

There was just something about her. She had a sarcastic wit, but she was sweet and didn’t mind

showing her vul

nerable side. She’d had a hard time of it with her ex, but she hadn’t let it destroy her. He

really did need to remember to thank Brad. This was one time his matchmaking skills were right on


“Well, I don’t know about you, Haley,” Jeremy began, “but I’ve felt a connection to you the instant I

saw you.” He leaned closer, touching her chin with his index finger, and murmured, “I know that sounds

nuts because we’ve only just met, but damn, you really turn me on, woman.”

“Jay, I—” she began, but he placed two fingers against her soft lips, silencing her.

Page 16

“I swear, I don’t do this kind of thing often. Hell, usually I’m too busy with my job. But since the

moment I found you in that little string bikini, your sexy body all warm and inviting, I’ve not been able to

take my mind off of you,” he admitted. “It’s driving me crazy wondering if you feel as soft and silky as

you look.”

Jeremy was still holding Haley’s hand and the pulse in her wrist beat erratically beneath his fingertips. He

wanted to heat her blood, bring her ten kinds of pleasure. He knew he was rushing her, and she’d only

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