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Haley's Cabin

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feel cornered. Patience. There it was again. The attribute he simply didn’t possess.

“I have a confession to make,” she began. “I’ve not been completely honest.”

Christ, if she was gay or something he was going to lose it. He’d give up on dating altogether and just

become a damn monk. “Confession?”

“Yes. I lied when I told you why I called you Jay instead of Jeremy. I don’t shorten names.”

He was confused. Happy she wasn’t going to tell him she was into chicks, but still lost as hell. “Then


“I had a dream about you last night.”

He narrowed his eyes. “We’ve never met until today. How is that even possible?”

She closed her eyes tight and bit her lip as if trying to gather her courage, then she finally mumbled, “I

don’t know, but it was you in the dream. Well, you and another woman, and the three of us were…”

Hmm, Jeremy started to like this dream of hers. “The three of us were…yeah, go on.”

“The three of us, er, made love.”

What did a guy say to that? Hallelujah, maybe? “Details.”

She blinked, her brows scrunching in bewilderment. “What?”

He left his chair and knelt in front of her. “I want details, Haley.” She stammered a little and he winked at

her, giving her a stay of execution. “But first we’re going to undress and get in the Jacuzzi.”

“You have a Jacuzzi?”

He slipped his shirt out of his waistband, pulled it over his head and tossed it to the floor. She stared at

his chest and licked her lips. He considered that a good sign.

“Actually, it’s Brad’s Jacuzzi. The point is, I want you in it and I definitely want you naked.”

She cocked her head and one corner of her mouth kicked up. “And what makes you think I’m going to

do what you say?”

He wagged his eyebrows at her and growled, “Because I’m a cop and if you don’t, I’ll have to arrest


Page 17

Her cheeks turned rosy and she stared at him in wonder. “Do you carry handcuffs?”

Ah, now they were getting somewhere. “As a matter of fact, yes I do,” he said with a cocky grin.


Such a small word, but it conveyed so much. “Now, the dress, Haley.”

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