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Haley's Cabin

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“Uh-huh,” she squeaked.

“You thinking of using it?” He was only a few steps away now. Close enough to touch.

“I, well, maybe,” she stammered. “If you wanted to, I mean.”

“Oh, I definitely want to.” He reached her finally, took the camera from her and looked it over before

gazing back at her. “But, I meant it when I said we’d eat first. I want to get to know you a little better

before we take this thing,” he indicated the camera, “upstairs.”

“Oh, right, of course.” She felt silly now, embarrassed and dumb for thinking he was as turned on as she.

He’d already gotten what he wanted from her and now he was just being nice.

Jay placed his fist beneath her chin and forced her to look at him. Haley tried for a nonchalant attitude,

but she wasn’t pulling it off very well. She’d never been all that great at hiding her emotions.

“I can practically hear those wheels turning, baby, and you’re wrong.”

That made her angry. As if she was just so transparent! “Oh really? Well, smart guy, what am I wrong


He smoothed his thumb over her lips and murmured, “You’re wrong that I’m through with you. Not

even close.”

Okay, well, he could read her mind…sort of. “That’s good, then, I’m not quite through with you yet


He looked her over and licked his lips. “Besides, I still plan on using those handcuffs on you and the

thought of videotaping you while you’re securely tied to my bed is enough to give me a permanent


Haley suspected her face had turned the color of her mother’s beets and her body went liquid with

desire. She looked down the front of him and her eyes bulged at the erection tenting his sweatpants. Yep,

she’d let the lion out of the cage all right.

Chapter Six

Jay managed to talk her out of using the video camera—at least for now. They sat on the couch drinking

their hot chocolates and listening to a soft, sexy saxophone emanating from the stereo cabinet as he

regaled her with tales of cases he’d helped solve. His life as a detective both fascinated and scared her.

Haley hated the idea he put his life on the line. But the passion in his eyes as he talked about his job made

her see he loved what he did.

“Enough about me. Tell me about you, Haley.”

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