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Haley's Cabin

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Page 29

She hadn’t figured on that. “Well, you know I’ve been married and divorced. What else do you want to


“Everything,” he rasped out, his voice a hot command.

Jay had started a fire in the fireplace and now the crackling of the flames mixed sensually with the music.

The evening felt even more imaginary than before.

“Well, you already know I work for a software company as a software developer. I love my job, but it

can get demanding as I’ve already said, and very tedious.” She stopped, wondering if she’d bored him to

tears yet, but he only motioned for her to continue. “My boss can be a real pain in the butt, but he’s fair

and believes in rewarding his employees.”

“Any friends? Lovers?”

“There’s Candace, Gretchen and my best friend is a woman named Janice. We all work together at

Berlitz and Kent. Janice is awesome. She tells me when I look fat and when I’m being a total witch.” She

smiled, thinking of what Janice would say if she knew Haley was spending the weekend with a gorgeous


“And lovers?”

He was persistent. She sighed. “Pathetically, no. I’ve been asked out a few times since my divorce

became final, and my friends have tried their best to fix me up, but I’ve not really wanted the hassles of a

relationship.” She shrugged. “I guess Eric sort of soured me on the whole idea.”

He was quiet a moment, then very softly said, “I’m glad you haven’t had any lovers. I wouldn’t want

anyone coming here and claiming you as their own. That would severely piss me off.”

“It would?”


She just didn’t know what to make of him. He could be so flirtatious and easygoing one minute, then so

intense the next. But it was a good mix, an exciting mix. Jay was so different from her ex. Eric had always

been fun-loving, unless he was in a rage. There was no mild mannered in-between. She’d walked on egg

shells around him the entire time they were married. Already she felt more comfortable with Jay than she

ever had with Eric. Odd.

“What about your family, Haley? Any brothers or sisters?”

“I’ve got one brother I haven’t seen in awhile. Rick lives in California. He comes home on Thanksgiving

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