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Haley's Cabin

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tattooed right above it. He frowned as he stared at the sexy script, thinking of some guy an inch away

from her soft skin, poking her with an inky needle. The inky needle part didn’t quite sit well, but the inch

away from her backside thought made him want to pound someone.

Page 38

Without thinking, Jeremy reached for Haley, clutching her hips from behind as she faced the mirror. Her

eyes darted to his in the reflection. For a suspended moment, Jeremy held her gaze, then sank to his

knees behind her and placed a tiny kiss to her tattoo. His every instinct clawed at him to claim her in


way. To keep her from moving on to someone else when the weekend ended. But something held

him back. He suspected it was his survival instinct. Every man was equipped with one. The simple truth

was, he refused to risk his heart for a woman.

He rose back up and avoided looking at her. He wasn’t ready to see the desire in her eyes. He’d lose it,

toss caution to the wind and force her to admit she cared for him. Jeremy turned the showers on, testing

the temperature himself before turning to Haley. He took her by the hand and moved her under the hot,

pounding water, turned away from him. She moaned as Jeremy began smoothing her hair away from her

face. He let his palms drift over her wet shoulders and slick arms until he reached her hands. He took

them both in his own and placed them against the wall in front of her. “Stand still for me,” Jeremy


Haley never spoke a word. She was halfway there already and he’d barely touched her. He forced his

own desire down, intent only on pleasuring her this time. She would be too sore for him anyway, but he

couldn’t keep from touching her anymore than he could stop the sun from shining.

He closed his eyes and let his fingers journey over Haley’s skin. She was his sexy canvas and he the

artist. He didn’t think, just felt. When he touched the plump flesh of her breasts, she quivered. Her

responsiveness made him think of what it might be like to have her this way every morning for the rest of

his life. They seemed so well matched. His senses came alive.

Slowly, his callused hands slid back and forth over her nipples, forcing them to tight peaks. He inched

his way over her ribcage to her pubic bone, loving the way her dense curls seemed untouched, as if she’d

never once waxed or trimmed her bikini line. The soft hair was thick and dark and he was forced to

search for the sweet bud nestled beneath. When he took her clitoris between his finger and thumb, rolling

and stroking, she spoke finally and her husky voice made his blood run hot.

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