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Haley's Cabin

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“Oh, Jay, I want you. Already, I want you,” she whispered.

“I know the feeling.” He had to force the words; his throat had gone dry as she pushed her lower body

into his hand, working herself into a frenzy.

“Then do something about it,” she complained, “I need you inside me. Please!”

Her words took him closer to the edge. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself in her at that


“No, baby, you’ll be sore.” She started to protest further, but he hushed her with his hand over her

mouth. “I won’t take you right now. I won’t hurt you that way. Just let me feel you, sweetheart. I

promise, you’ll enjoy it.”

“I never once doubted it,” Haley said, relaxing against him again, seemingly content to let him have his


He kissed her neck and—knowing it was juvenile—sucked at her pulse, giving her a small purple mark.

If nothing else, she’d have the hickey when she walked out of his life tomorrow.

He played and fondled. Soon, Haley moved one hand off the wall and attempted to touch him. He

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grabbed her before she could reach him and snarled, “Put your hand back on the wall.”

She hesitated and her low, sweet voice pleaded with him. “I just want to touch, nothing more.”

“And I want you to feel. Nothing more.”

She fairly growled out her displeasure. “Dang it, Jay. You’re being unreasonable.”

He chuckled at her vehemence. Admittedly, it was nice to have her want him so badly. Still, he wanted a

few minutes out of this weekend where he could simply observe her. If she started touching him, his

concentration would be shot to hell.

He placed a series of soft pecks down her spine and beseechingly whispered against her skin, “What if I

begged you, Haley?” She stayed silent, facing the wall, the shower pounding down onto them both.

“Pretty please,” Jeremy murmured, “let me have you like this. I want to watch every single vibration.

Hear every tiny moan. Feel every second as I make you come. Pretty please, don’t deny me that, baby.”

She slapped her hand against the tiled wall. “You drive a hard bargain, Jay Pickett.”

He smiled, triumphant, and continued his playtime. Barely touching her, he smoothed his fingers over

Haley’s fleshy labia. She flung her head back and moaned deep, pushing against his hand as if trying to

force him to touch her harder, faster, deeper. He answered her silent demands and moved his hand in a

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