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Haley's Cabin

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She reached up and touched a finger to Marissa’s pretty nipple, stroking it, enjoying the softness of the

woman’s bronzed skin. Keeping eye contact with Marissa, Haley continued playing and toying with her

breasts. It was erotic to see the woman’s eyes heat, to watch the desire start to consume her. Finally

Marissa leaned down, clearly anxious for Haley to taste her. Haley obliged by wrapping her hand around

the other woman’s ample breast and pulling it to her mouth, sucking her nipple greedily.

Someone moaned, and she wasn’t sure if it was Marissa or herself. They were both lost on a tidal wave

of feeling.

She lavished the puffy pink areola with her tongue and scraped the distended nipple with her teeth,

enjoying the sight as it grew taut and rigid for her, then switched to the other side to do the same. As she

suckled and fondled Marissa, a hand touched her own silky thatch of dark curls between her legs and

she arched forward, encouraging more, aching for more. Marissa found Haley’s clitoris and tugged at it

with her thumb and index finger, pulling and pumping. Too quickly, she stopped and rose off Haley.

Enraptured, Haley groaned and reached for more of this woman. But it wasn’t to be.

Jay stood over her with a pleased smile curving his sensuous lips. In her heated moment with Marissa,

she’d forgotten she had an audience. Again she found herself blushing. It seemed Jay would have none of

her embarrassment, because he languidly pulled her to her feet. Then Marissa laid down.

Haley looked to Jay for answers, desperate to know what he wanted, wishing only to please and be


His simple answer was to position her on her hands and knees between Marissa’s legs so Haley looked

down at Marissa’s smooth pussy. She felt his hand at the back of her head. Jay gently guided her toward

Marissa’s glistening nether lips. Haley closed her eyes and gave one tentative lick. Oh God, the sweet

taste of Marissa’s arousal was her undoing. Soon, Haley was licking and stroking at the juices as they

flowed into her mouth. Haley lapped at the nectar freely flowing from Marissa’s slick heat, sucking at her

as if starved and feeling her own desire race out of control.

Haley opened her eyes to watch in fascination as Marissa arched off the floor, anxious and needy for

pleasure. It gave her a naughty thrill to make such a sensual woman quiver and moan.

Page 5

Haley had never done anything so completely decadent. She wasn’t sure what was expected of her.

After all, she’d never given a woman oral sex before. Marissa pushed her hot pussy against her mouth,

gasping. Haley continued her assault and knew a sense of wild excitement when Marissa’s hands grasped

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