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Haley's Cabin

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uncontrollably at her hair, pulling at her, desperate and crazed all at once.

Haley’s throbbing cunt dripped with her own pleasure. Her entire body felt hot and itchy. Nothing in her

life had ever compared to this. She moaned right along with Marissa, feeling what she was feeling.

Jay growled, obviously pushed beyond control at witnessing her and Marissa’s passion. The thick,

swollen tip of his cock pushed into Haley’s heat, moving slowly in and out, wetting himself completely

with her flow. To her utter shock, he moved to the seam of her buttocks, situating his big, hard body

behind her, and with both hands he pulled her ass cheeks wide.

As Jay began inching himself inside her bottom, she pulled from Marissa and whimpered.

Jay shushed her. “Relax. I simply want to satisfy you.” But the odd sensation of him in such a forbidden

place had her tensing, and he’d only entered her the tiniest bit. Reflexively, her muscles clenched, and Jay

held still. He softly stroked his thumb over her clit, as if he knew she was beyond listening to his

commands. When his finger slid inside her throbbing center, it was too much. Something inside Haley

burst. A sweet release of electricity raced as an orgasm took hold.

After several blissful moments, her muscles relaxed. Haley gazed down at the beautiful Marissa, who lay

quietly, waiting her turn. Smiling sinfully, Haley leaned down and licked the woman’s sweet pussy with

relish. She wanted to bring Marissa to climax. Needed to watch her come.

Haley wiggled and pushed against Jay, suddenly needing more of him, wanting it all. She yearned to feel

his cock buried deep in her ass, where no man had ever touched her. Embarrassed by her own

uninhibited response but too excited to care, Haley helplessly gave herself up to this man and the

exquisite feelings he evoked.

Haley pushed her bottom into him, hoping to convey without words what she wanted. He gave it to her

then, every delicious inch, and she loved the combination of pain and pleasure, the stretching fullness of it

all. Her bottom felt each and every contraction, each pump of Jay’s thick cock, and it was euphoric. The

perfect way he filled her ass had Haley nearly exploding with pleasure. Every slide of his erection, in then

out, drove her to new heights of pleasure. Her body clutched his swollen dick. Somewhere along the line,

Haley had become a greedy minx for what only Jay could provide.

Her vagina convulsed in a leisurely, drawn-out climax. It was a lifetime worth of climaxes all rolled into

one. She moaned and writhed against Jay, all the while continuing to suck and lick at Marissa, fondling

her heavy breasts, spurred on by the promise of having this exotic stranger exploding onto her tongue

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