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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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Her eyes widened, her lush lips parting in what had to be surprise.

He stopped talking when their waitress appeared with a fresh pot of coffee. They were both silent, watching the older woman pour even amounts of steaming dark liquid in each cup. The woman smiled at them and then walked away.

“A prostitution ring?” Janelle looked incredulous. “She wouldn’t do something like that.”

Nate tore open three yellow packets of substitute sugar and poured them into his coffee, then dumped in two little cartons of creamer. He stirred it noisily with a spoon. “She is. They run a small fleet of girls out of the nightclub. I thought at first Ginger was working for him, and maybe she was, but certain clues point to her actually running it. She answered the phone when I called the number they give out.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. I don’t believe it.” She shook her head, sipping from her cup and then grimacing. “Oh my God, that’s hot.”

She pressed slender fingers to her pursed lips, blew out a shallow breath. Lush dark pink lips that were completely bare, didn’t have a smudge of lipstick on them, which he found incredibly sexy.

He wondered what those lips would feel like wrapped tight around his cock, the hot wet warmth of her mouth engulfing him, bringing him to an intense orgasm...

Nate shifted in his seat, adjusting the front of his jeans and feeling like a damn pervert. His reaction to her made him uneasy.

“God, I burned my tongue.” Janelle pressed her lips together.

“Why don’t you put some creamer in it? That’ll cool it down a bit.” He pushed the dish of stacked creamers toward her.

“No thanks. I prefer my coffee black. Besides, that stuff isn’t good for you.”

“What, non-dairy creamer and fake sugar?” He sipped from his cup, realizing he didn’t taste much coffee whatsoever.

Just the way he liked it.

She wrinkled her nose. “It’s all processed and man-made, you know? It’s not good for you. I believe in eating natural, whole foods as much as possible.”

“You really are nothing like your sister, are you?” He knew Ginger loved to gorge herself on junk food when she wasn’t getting drunk or high, and she consumed an endless supply of soda. Not only did his one source at the club inform him of this seemingly useless tidbit, but he’d seen her do so himself numerous times.

“We’re veering off track, when we should be talking about what Ginger’

s involved in.” Janelle rested her forearms on the table, hands clasped, looking every inch the cool, professional woman. “Do you have any proof she’s running her boss’ prostitution ring? My sister’s done a lot of terrible stuff, but running prostitutes? I find that hard to believe.”

Nate leaned forward, mimicking her movements. “That’s why I need to talk to her. I’m not after her, I want Billy. If she’ll help us out, we’ll help her out.”

“So you want to use me to get to Ginger.” Her voice grew sharper, those beautiful blue eyes narrowing as she watched him.

She didn’t seem to like his suggestion but he didn’t care. He needed to get closer to the truth. He needed to find the easiest way to bust Billy Diaz and Ginger was the quickest, most direct link he could get.

He shrugged, feigning nonchalance, though excitement bubbled inside him. “If that’s what it takes and you’re willing to help, then yes. I haven’t seen her in two days. No one seems to know where she’s at.”

Janelle was quiet, her hands clutching the coffee cup, spinning it around slowly.

He waited, didn’t say a word. Didn’t want to blow this potential break in the case.

“I don’t want to be involved in this. If my employer found out what I’m doing...” Janelle paused, inhaling sharply. “I’d rather keep my nose out of it and help Ginger if she comes to me. That’s how it’s always been.”

“You’re involved whether you want to be or not.” He glared at her. “How can you stand by and let your sister get into deeper trouble and not do anything?”

With an indignant huff, Janelle released her hold on the coffee cup and slid out of the booth. She stood beside the table, her gaze icy as she studied him. “How dare you pass judgment? You have no idea what Ginger has put my family through. Put me through.”

“Listen.” He tried to grab her hand but she jerked away, backing up a couple of steps.

“I’m done listening to you. Please don’t bother me again.”

Nate watched her walk out of the restaurant, admiring the view despite his frustration. Even angry, she had a sexy saunter to her step, her hips swaying. The woman aroused him and frustrated him beyond belief.

His life had been full of nothing but frustration after losing A.J. at the hands of Billy Diaz.

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