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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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e moment he realized she wasn’t Ginger. Reluctant to talk, reluctant to look him in the eye, she’d been uncooperative at best. Even a little snippy.

The worst of it? He couldn’t get over how beautiful she was. She resembled her sister somewhat. Whereas Ginger had ashen skin and her eyes were dull, Janelle sparkled. Beautiful, intelligent blue-green eyes, glowing golden skin and a body that wouldn’t quit, she’d tempted him those few moments in his lap.

Who was he kidding, she was still tempting. He watched as she shrugged her coat on, stuffing the discarded bra in her pocket. She cinched the belt around her slim waist, her lush lips in a straight line, eyes narrowed and he knew she was pissed that he wouldn’t let her go.

“Are you taking me to the police station?” she asked, her voice tight.

“Why don’t we grab a cup of coffee and I’ll let you in on what’s going on?” The station on a Saturday night would be a madhouse. He didn’t want to try and talk to her amidst the chaos.

“I don’t want to grab a cup of coffee.” She glared at him, hostility written all over her face. The woman clearly couldn’t stand him.

A damn shame, since he couldn’t say the same about her. That moment when he’d pulled her against him and told the jackass to buzz off, she’d felt damn good, her warm and curvy body nestled against his.

Maybe it was lack of sex that was making him think with his dick. Something he never did with any female involved in a police investigation ever. He’d been hanging out at that so-called gentleman’s club for a couple of months, surrounded by beautiful and not so beautiful near-naked women on an almost nightly basis. Not a one of them made him react the way this one did.

What made her so damn special?

“I’ll tell you what’s going on with Ginger. You’ll want to hear this,” he promised. The elevator doors opened and they walked inside together, Nate hitting the button for the lobby.

A weary sigh escaped her. “I can’t be her keeper forever. I love my sister, detective, but our relationship is...frustrating. She needs to take care of herself, rather than me always running behind her, sweeping up her messes.”

She sounded bitter and irritated. He couldn’t blame her. After observing Ginger for a solid month, she was nothing but trouble. Completely irresponsible and barely able to function, she’d probably given her family a run for their money her entire life.

“Your sister’s life could be at risk if you don’t at least get me into contact with her. I’m serious.” Nate watched her, wanting her to understand how important this was. “Billy Diaz is big time, and she’s deeply involved with some of his—business ventures.”

“What, drugs? I know she has a drug problem. She’s been to rehab once already.” Another resigned sigh escaped her.

“Not just drugs.”

“What more could there be?”

The elevator doors slid open and they exited side by side. “I’ll tell you if you have that cup of coffee with me.”

She stopped, causing him to stop as well. “I feel like you’re threatening me.”

“Not at all. You’re helping me, doing your part in a police investigation. And you’re getting a free cup of coffee out of the deal.” He smiled, trying to throw on a little charm. The look on her face said she wasn’t falling for it.

“Fine, I’ll have one cup, that’s it.”

This woman was definitely the take no bullshit type. Completely different from her sister, who, from what he observed, went with the flow and followed the orders of everyone around her. Janelle probably gave the orders.

What drove her to dance in place of Ginger? She was gorgeous, of that there was no doubt. Her killer body and beautiful face would leave most men a drooling pile of lust after she’d finished stripping.

Behavior-wise, she was nothing like her sister. Calm and composed, coherent. Perfectly capable of taking care of herself, she didn’t appear to have a drug problem. From the moment she’d walked into the suite, he’d noticed her, confused at the difference he saw. The way she’d glared at the men, shuddered when one had stuffed money down the front of her shirt.

He’d at first believed Ginger was having an off night. Knowing it was a completely different woman put a new perspective on the situation.

They headed toward the twenty-four hour cafe within the hotel, which was empty, and the waitress seated them quickly. As they each slid into the booth, Nate noticed the harsh lighting did nothing to detract from Janelle’s beauty. No, more like it enhanced it, allowing him the opportunity to study her closer. Yet again, he wondered how he could’ve mistaken this woman for Ginger.

“So tell me what’s going on,” Janelle said the second the waitress left with their coffee order.

“Nothing like getting right to it.” He watched her, enjoying the play of emotions that crossed her face. Confusion, frustration, a little bit of anger. Which meant, she would probably have a tough time lying. An advantage he needed to remember.

“Listen detective, I’m tired. It’s been a long day and I’m emotionally as well as physically drained. Tell me what’s going on so I can go home and worry about her and not get any sleep tonight.”

The thought of keeping her awake with other, more exciting things crossed his mind but his professional side shoved them firmly out. He hadn’t let a woman throw him off his game in a long ass time and wasn’t going to let it happen now.

“We think she’s helping Diaz run his prostitution ring. She’s done so for the last few months and he’s paying her in drugs. Meth, to be precise, though he also gives her cash.”

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