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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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Tugging on her car door, she gasped when it didn’t budge. A shadow loomed over her and she glanced up. A broad shouldered man stood beside her car, the sun shining behind him, casting his body in shadow so she couldn’t make out his features.

“Seen Ginger lately?” His voice was pitched low, very rough and a foreboding shiver moved through her.

“Who are you?” She jerked on the door handle but it wouldn’t budge. The man had a firm hold against her car door and he didn’t look like he was going anywhere soon.

“Doesn’t matter. Answer the question, Janelle.”

Ah God, he knows my name. He knows exactly who I am. “I haven’t seen her in weeks. I have no idea where she is.”

“You so sure about that?” The man cocked his head, moving in closer and she scooted away. He smelled like foul body odor and stale cigarettes. “I’ve heard you two are real close, being identical sisters and all.”

Janelle shook her head, panic clawing at her throat. God, what the hell had Ginger gotten herself into? “I haven’t seen her,” she said firmly. “And she won’t return my calls.”

It was all true. Minus the fact Ginger had called her recently, though it hadn’t been much to count. Even to this schmuck.

“Well, you be sure and give her this message from Billy Diaz. He needs to talk to her. Pronto. You understand?”

Janelle’s head jerked in response and she tried to contain the full bodied tremble that threatened. “I’ll let her know.”

The slimy man slapped her door twice, shot her a creepy leer and then pushed away from the car, sauntering across the parking lot as if he hadn’t a care in the world.

Slamming her door shut, she started the car with quaking fingers, cursed herself for letting the horrible man get to her. Anger simmered through her veins and she tore out of the parking lot, eager to get home and away from all of her newfound stress.

Damn her sister for being such a fool and for putting Janelle in such a risky situation. All she’d ever wanted was a normal life, to work hard and eventually find a nice man to settle down with.

Now she had a punk thug harassing her, a cop who made her panties melt with one glance and a sister who was on the run from her criminal boyfriend.

Just. Flippin’. Great.

She drove home in record time, constantly peering in her review mirror, afraid she’d find someone following her. Just like a stupid TV movie. Thank God she didn’t see anyone. The second she pulled into the parking spot at her apartment, she tore out of her car like the dogs from hell were nipping at her heels. She hurried up the stairs, stabbed her key into the lock and turned it, slamming the door behind her and locked it with a firm twist.

Slumping against the door, she bumped her head against it, closing her eyes. She was exhausted. She was scared.

Funny how the first thing she wanted to do was call Nate and ask him to come over. As if she needed him to make her feel safe.

He was working. And they agreed they wouldn’t see each other unless it had to do with Ginger and his investigation.

This did, the evil little voice inside her brain whispered. One of Billy Diaz’s henchmen threatened you, told you specifically he was looking for Ginger. Nate would want to know. You need to call him.

Pushing from the door, she went for the phone, grabbing his business card that rested on the kitchen counter. She dialed his cell phone number and listened as it rang, hoping against hope she’d get his voice mail so she’d have to leave a message.

She didn’t know if she’d be able to stand talking to him.

His rich, sexy voice answered on the fourth ring. “Banks.”

“Nate?” She clutched the phone tight, her entire body reacting to this voice. He sounded rushed, irritated and the last thing she wanted was to bother him.

“Janelle, hey. Are you all right?” His voice took on a hushed quality, full of concern and her heart warmed.

“Um, not really. Something happened in the parking lot when I was leaving work.”

“What?” His tone sharpened, the concern taking on an edgy sound. “Tell me.”

She paused, closing her eyes for a moment and breathed deep. It felt good to talk to him, to hear the worry in his voice. How she wanted to fool herself into believing he cared for her.

“This strange man approached my car as I was about to leave. He asked about Ginger. He threatened me and demanded to know where she was.”

“Shit, you’re kidding.”

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