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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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“I wish.”

“What did you tell him?”

“What could I tell him? I haven’t talked to her or seen her in weeks. I have no idea where Ginger is.”

“Where are you right now?”

“My apartment. My boss let me take the afternoon off. The guy must’ve been waiting for me in the parking lot.”

“Stay put, I’ll be right there.”

“Oh Nate, you don’t have to do that.”

“Too late, I am. Don’t leave. Wait for me. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” He hung up.

Pushing the end button on her phone, she set it on the countertop, her stomach fluttering in anticipation.

Damn it, she was behaving like an idiot. She should be scared out of her mind, thankful Nate was coming over. Instead, she was excited at seeing him again.

Would it be hard to look at him and imagine what he looked like last night as he drove himself inside her? How he tasted when he kissed her? The way he woke her at five this morning, his head buried between her legs, his tongue lapping at her until she came yet again?

She needed to stop torturing herself. This was going to be hard, but she’d known what she was getting into the minute she kissed him last night. More than anything, she needed to get over it. What was done was done.

Like a fool, she allowed her emotions into the situation. Something she promised she wouldn’t do.

God, she was an idiot.

Nate knocked on her door in record time, a mere ten minutes after he hung up. She opened the door to find him standing there, hands shoved deep inside his pants’ pockets, his expression and stance grim.

He looked gorgeous. A faint breeze ruffled his dark hair, causing an errant lock to drift across his forehead. His burnished skin appeared even darker, contrasting against his white button up shirt and his hair dusted forearms were exposed by rolled-up sleeves. She was faint at the sight of him.

“Can I come in?”

The sound of his voice was even worse. Deep and sexy and skittering across her nerve endings. She didn’t know if she could stand it, having him so close.

Opening the door wider, she stepped aside and he strode within, turning to face her as she shut the door. “Was it Billy who threatened you?”

“No, of course not. I’ve met Billy before. This guy was definitely not him. But he works for him, or at least that’s what he said. He was gross, he smelled terrible.” She shivered at the memory.

Nate paced the living room, whipping out a small notebook from his back pants’ pocket. “Can you describe him for me? Try to get as close as you can remember.”

Doing as best she could, she tried to remember every detail. She hadn’t been able to see much, what with the way he stood in front of the sun, casting himself in shadow. She was sure he did that little trick on purpose. Nate seemed satisfied with her description though, snapping his notebook shut when she finished.

“I’ll call it in, let my partner know this guy is out there. Maybe Greg could look for him in the vicinity surrounding your workplace.”

She frowned. Nate had a partner? He sure didn’t mention him much. “I didn’t realize you had a partner.”

Nate shrugged, guilt flashing in his eyes. “I’ve been working on my own some nights.”

“Oh.” Odd. She had a feeling that wasn’t following protocol. “Well, I’m sure the guy is long gone. He didn’t seem the type who’d stick around.”

“You never know. He might be trying to sniff out some more personal information about you. He might be back at Billy’s club. I’m going there later. See if I can find him.”

“Okay, thanks.” She didn’t know what else to say, what to do.

“I’m glad you called.” His voice softened and he took a step toward her, his hand reaching out as if to touch her.

But then it fell away, his arm hanging awkwardly at his side. His expression shuttered closed.

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