Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50) - Page 55

Thank goodness, she was too nervous to eat.

“Sit anywhere you like,” the bored looking waitress told her from behind the counter, a pot of pitch black coffee dangling from her hand. A grizzled old man sitting at the counter turned to look at Janelle, his watery eyes doing a slow perusal up and down her body, his mouth jerking into an obvious leer.

Leave it to her sister to find the sleaziest diner in Los Angeles.

Glancing about the restaurant, she spotted Ginger sitting at a booth in the deepest corner of the room. Heading toward her, nerves tickled Janelle’s stomach and she slid into the booth seat opposite her sister.

Ginger lifted her head and Janelle contained the gasp that wanted to escape. She looked terrible. Pale, pasty skin with dark bruising shadows under her eyes and her cheeks were sunken in. Her mouth, so similar to Janelle’s, was chapped, the center of her bottom lip cracked and split and so painful looking.

“Oh, my God, what happened to you?” Janelle reached across the table, grasping Ginger’s cold hand in her own.

“Hey, sis.” Even Ginger’s voice sounded pathetic. Janelle had never seen her sister look so bad, ever.

“Ginger.” She didn’t know what else to say, she was so horrified.

“I told you, I’m sick. I tried to get off the stuff. I keep doing it and it makes me feel worse and worse. I look terrible. Look at my hair.” Ginger fingered a strand of limp dirty blonde hair, then let it fall back onto her shoulder. “I see you and think ‘Wow, so that’s how I’m supposed to look’. But I don’t look anything like you. I was always considered the prettier one.”

Despite the seriousness of the situation, Janelle wanted to roll her eyes. Leave it to Ginger to play the prettier sister card. But when she spotted the tears welling up in Ginger’s eyes, Janelle squeezed her hand in reassurance.

Guilt consumed her. She was ready to leave and she’d been there not even five minutes. Ginger needed a safe place, needed someone take care of her.

“You’re coming home with me. I can take care of you. I know someone who can protect you from Billy. You’ll be safe with us.” She didn’t mention the feds were looking for her. She’d leave that bit of information for Nate to share later.

Ginger stiffened and withdrew her hand from Janelle’s grasp. “What are you talking about? Who do you know that can protect me from Billy? Because trust me, no one can protect me from him. I’m sure he already knows I’m back in town.”

Funny, she sounded like Nate. “How could he? You didn’t contact him or anyone else that’s part of his inner circle, right?”

Ginger gnawed on her already shredded lower lip, her gaze tearing away from Janelle’s. Doubt tripped Janelle’s heart, making it skip about three extra beats. Her throat became so dry she could hardly speak.

“You talked to someone. Who did you see?” Anger pushed past Janelle’s fear and she glanced out the window, caught sight of Nate’s car parked in the lot.

They needed to leave. Now.

“I called my friend Lynne, okay? I wanted to tell her I was okay and Billy was there. He overheard her say my name.”

A shiver slithered down Janelle’s spine. So Billy was still in the area somewhere. What were you thinking? You told me you didn’t want Billy to know you were back in town.”

“I was lonely. I couldn’t get a hold of you last night and I had no one else to talk to.” Ginger threw her arms into the air. “Billy used to be really good to me, J. He loved me. He still loves me.”

Janelle tried to push the messy emotions swirling within her aside. She would not feel guilty because Ginger couldn’t get a hold of her. It wasn’t her fault. But all those old feelings came tumbling forward. She hated feeling as if she was responsible for everyone’s well-being. It wasn’t right, her rational brain told her, but her guilt-filled heart wouldn’t listen.

“Lynne came to my motel room later and we hung out for a little bit.” Ginger smiled, revealing stained teeth and Janelle knew immediately that was code for ‘doing drugs’.

“Great, you called Lynne so she could bring you a quick fix. And you got Billy’s attention on top of it. Did you see him last night too?”

“No!” Ginger shook her head, her stringy hair flying around her shoulders. “I swear to you, J, I didn’t see him. Only Lynne came over. I talked to him for like two seconds on the phone, but then I hung up.”

Janelle rested her forehead in her hands and closed her eyes, trying to think. For all she knew, Billy was outside at this very moment, watching the restaurant much like Nate was. The two men might’ve even seen each other.

“We need to go.” Janelle stood, grabbing her purse. “Now.”

“But I already ordered breakfast, I’m starving! I want to eat first,” Ginger whined.

“I’ll feed you something at my place. Come on.” Janelle gestured with a wave of her hand.

“The waitress is gonna be pissed.” Ginger still hadn’t budged from her spot in the booth.

Janelle rolled her eyes. “I’ll pay for your stupid breakfast. Come on.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024