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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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Falling in love sucked.

“Who won’t see you?” Greg finally asked, turning his attention to Nate. He’d been too busy making eyes at some hot chick across the bar.

Nate wanted to growl at his inane question. “Janelle, you dumbass. I think she dumped me.”

“You think? Wait, you don’t know?” Greg peered at him with his all-knowing gaze and Nate looked away, uncomfortable.

“No. I don’t know,” he muttered, taking another drink of beer.

“Well, she hasn’t dumped you yet. Trust me you’ll know when you’re getting dumped. Maybe she needs space. This has been a pretty shitty week, you know,” Greg pointed out.

“She’s putting distance between us on purpose. That’s how she is. She doesn’t allow anyone to get too close. She’s too afraid to get hurt.”

“Hmm, sounds familiar.”

Greg earned an elbow in the ribs for that remark.

“Yeah well, every time I put my heart on the line, it gets stomped on. See why I’m the way I am?” Nate sh

ook his head, staring morosely at his almost empty beer.

“What, a miserable jackass? Yeah, I see that, but you need to do something. You need to take action, man. Go to this chick’s house and tell her you’re done playing games. Tell her how you feel. Let her know you care for her and you want to be there for her. She’ll melt. They always melt for that shit.” Greg smiled, looking pleased with his speech.

“With my luck, she’ll slam the door in my face and tell me to get lost.” God, he was wallowing in his own misery and actually enjoying it. It felt damn good to whine.

Tomorrow he’d regret it. Tonight, he relished it.

“Dude, you are so negative, it’s unbelievable. Go talk to her right now. You’re a little drunk so let the words flow. Let her know what she means to you,” Greg encouraged.

Nate shook his head. “I’d make a complete ass of myself if I went over there.”

“And then again, she might listen to you, you never know. Come on, I’ll drive you. You’re in no state to get your ass there.”

“I can’t do it, bro. She’ll think I’m an idiot. Hell I am an idiot.” Nate thrust his thumb at his chest. “Class A idiot looking right at you.”

“You’re repeating yourself.” Greg stood, waving his hand toward the exit. “Come on, let’s go. We need to go change your life for the better.”

“Hell, I can’t believe I’m letting you talk me into this,” Nate muttered as he polished off his beer and then stood, staggering on his feet.

“I don’t think you’ll regret it,” Greg said over his shoulder as they wound themselves through the crowded bar. “I think this is exactly what you need to do.”

Nate tried to convince himself the entire car ride to Janelle’s. Considering his slightly inebriated state, it probably wasn’t smart. His head spun, his stomach turned with nerves and he wanted to tell Greg to forget it and take him home.

Knowing Greg wouldn’t listen, he remained silent. What would he say to her? Blurt out he was in love with her or take a more subtle approach? What did she want to hear?

All he wanted was to make her happy. He wanted her in his life, he needed her, felt lost without her.

Completely and totally lost.

“This is a mistake,” Nate said as Greg turned into Janelle’s apartment complex. “I’m drunk and she’s going to think I’m an asshole.”

“You’re not a mean drunk, so don’t worry about that. If you were acting like a damn fool, I wouldn’t let you out of the car.” Greg pulled into a parking spot and slipped the car into park.

“I’m not acting like a damn fool? Seriously?” Nate ran a hand through his hair, messing it up, but he didn’t give a shit. She’d have to take him as he was.

He groaned aloud and pressed the back of his head against the seat. Even in his thoughts, he sounded like a dumbass.

“What time is it?” he asked, closing his eyes.

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