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Strip Tease (Protect and Defend 1.50)

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“Just past eleven-thirty.”

Nate’s eyes snapped open and he studied her apartment building in the near distance. All was dark, not a single light on. “She’s asleep.”

“Perfect. You’ll wake her up and she’ll be disoriented and half asleep. Probably more than willing to hear what you have to say.” Greg nudged at Nate’s shoulder. “Head on over there, tiger.”

“I’m going to curse your ass tomorrow, you know.” Nate shook his head. He didn’t open the door.

“Nah, you’ll be thanking me, my friend. Now go to her. Confess your love.” Greg grinned.

“What if she slams the door in my face? Or doesn’t answer it at all? Are you going to wait for me? I don’t want to be stuck here all night.”

“Fine, fine, I’ll wait five minutes and then I’m gone. I think you’ll know how things are going within five minutes, right? And if it takes longer than five, you can always call me.”

“I dunno.” Nate’s hand went to the door handle and he realized his fingers trembled. Shit, he was nervous.

“You’ll know. Now get out.”

Nate practically stumbled out of the car, his head spinning when he stood straight. He probably looked a mess. Hell, he probably looked insane.

Walking up the stairs that led to her front door, he stepped lightly, didn’t want to alarm her with the rattling staircase. Breathing deep, he gulped fresh air, trying to clear his head.

It didn’t help.

He knocked lightly once, then again, afraid she hadn’t heard. After too many long seconds ticked by, a light flickered on and he heard her twist of the lock being undone.

The door swung open and there she stood blinking at him, clad in pink and white plaid pajama pants and a thin white tank top. So thin, he could see the faint shadows of her nipples beneath the fabric.

Arousal hit him, swift and hard, and he pressed his hand against the doorframe to support himself.

“Nate,” she finally said, her soft voice doing strange things to his insides. “What are you doing here?”

“I, uh, I need to talk to you. Can I come in?” He leaned in close, caught a whiff of her delectable scent and it made him weak. No woman had ever smelled so good before.

“Okay.” She sounded hesitant and regret was a dull pain in the pit of his stomach.

Following her inside, he watched as she flicked on a lamp in the living room, making him wince at the bright light. She turned to him, rested her hands on her slim hips as she shook her head.

“You’ve been drinking.” It wasn’t a question.

He shrugged. “A little bit.”

“So you think it’s a good idea to show up now and ask me to talk?” Janelle crossed her arms in front of her chest, waiting for his answer.

“No. I didn’t think it was at all,” he answered truthfully.

“Then why are you here?”

“Greg thought I should talk to you.”

“Greg? Oh, your partner.” She shook her head again, clearly not understanding. “Why would Greg think it’s a good idea you come here after drinking all night long?”

“I didn’t drink all night long. I only had a couple of beers.” Maybe three. He’d lost count.

“Whatever. You should go, Nate. I don’t think you’re up for much logical conversation tonight.” She started for the door but he stopped her, grabbing her by the arm. Her gaze dropped to his fingers wrapped around her, before she lifted her lids, her eyes meeting his.

“Don’t make me leave, Janelle.” He sounded all choked up and he cleared his throat. “I’ve missed you.”

Her gaze flickered and he slowly released his hold on her. She put plenty of distance between them, as if she needed the space.

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