Close Obsession (The Krinar Chronicles 2) - Page 38

He didn’t say anything else, just stood there waiting, watching her expectantly. Mia wondered just how good his night vision was. She couldn’t see the expression on his face in the dim light and had no idea what he was thinking right now.

Her hands trembling a little, she slowly pulled off her boots. The sand felt cool under her bare feet, no longer retaining the warmth of the sun.

“Now the

dress,” Korum prompted, and there was a roughness in his voice that made her think his patience was near the end.

Mia obeyed, pulling the dress over her head and dropping it on the sand. She was now completely naked, and she could feel herself shivering slightly in the evening ocean breeze.

He stepped toward her then and reached out to cup her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her. His hands left her shoulders and curved around her butt cheeks instead, lifting her up against him until the hardness of his cock pressed into her belly.

His mouth slanted over hers, and she could feel the smooth warmth of his lips and the insistent push of his tongue penetrating her mouth. Everything inside her softened, melted, and she moaned quietly, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands tightened on her butt, squeezing the small round globes, and then he was lowering her to the ground, putting her down on top of their clothes. His right hand found its way down her body, forced apart her legs, his fingers exploring her tender folds with a maddeningly gentle touch. Mia squirmed, her hips lifting toward him, wanting more, and he obliged, one long finger penetrating her opening and finding the sensitive spot inside. The familiar tension began to gather in her belly, and she twisted her hips, needing just a tiny bit more . . . and then she was hurtling over the brink with a small cry, her inner muscles pulsing in orgasmic relief.

Lying there bonelessly in the aftermath, she felt his hands pulling her legs wider apart. His penis brushed against her thighs, the tip impossibly smooth and hot. He was pressed against her opening, and Mia’s breath caught in anticipation of his entry, her body instantly craving more of the pleasure she had just experienced.

“Tell me you want me,” he whispered, and there was something strange in his voice, some dark note she’d never heard before.

“You know I do,” she told him softly, feeling like she would die if she didn’t have him right now. Her skin felt too tight, too sensitive, as though it couldn’t contain the need that was burning her from the inside.

“How much?” he demanded roughly. “How much do you want me?”

“A lot,” Mia admitted, staring up at him, her pelvic muscles clenching with desire and her clitoris throbbing. What did he want from her? Couldn’t he tell how much her body yearned for his?

He lowered his head then, kissing her again, even as his cock pressed forward and entered her in one powerful thrust. Mia cried out against his lips, suddenly filled to the brim. Before she could fully adjust to the sensation, he began to move, his hips thrusting and recoiling, the hard rhythm reverberating through her insides in a way that made her forget all about his strange behavior. She heard her own cries, though she wasn’t conscious of making them, his roughness somehow adding to the coiling tension inside her –

And then he stopped, just as she was seconds away from finding release. Frustrated, Mia moaned, writhing underneath him, unable to control the convulsive movements of her body. “Korum, please . . .”

“Please what?” he murmured, withdrawing from her. His hand found its way between their bodies, and he pressed his fingers lightly against her clitoris, keeping her balanced on the exquisite edge of pleasure-pain. “Please what?”

“Please fuck me,” she whispered, nearly incoherent with need. He pressed harder against her folds, and Mia cried out, the knot of tension inside her growing even tighter.

“Tell me you love me,” he ordered, and Mia froze, the unfamiliar words reaching through her daze, startling her for a second out of her sensual fog.

“Tell me, Mia,” he said sharply, and his finger slipped inside her, finding the spot that always drove her insane and pressing on it rhythmically until she was almost crying with frustration, her body writhing and twisting in his arms.

Nearly incoherent, she screamed, “I do! Please, Korum . . . I do!”

“You do what?” He was relentless, completely unyielding in his demand.

“I love you,” she sobbed, knowing that she would regret it later but unable to help herself. “Korum, please . . . I love you!”

His fingers left her then, and she could feel his cock again, pushing into her, and she shuddered with relief as he resumed his thrusting, his penis reaching deeply inside her, filling the pulsing emptiness within. At the same time, his hand buried itself in her hair, arching her throat toward him, and Mia felt the heat of his mouth on her neck and the familiar slicing pain signifying his bite. Almost instantly, her world dissolved into a blur of sensations, the long-awaited climax rushing through her with so much force that she blanked out for a few seconds, barely cognizant of his harsh cry as he found his own release a minute later.

The rest of the night passed in a haze, with him taking her again and again in blood-induced frenzy until she could come no longer, her throat hoarse from screaming and her body wrung dry from unending orgasms. It didn’t seem real, any of it, with her senses unbearably heightened from the chemical in his saliva and her mind empty of all thought, her entire being caught up in the extreme ecstasy of his touch.

Finally, at some point before dawn, Mia passed out in his arms, with the ocean waves pounding against the shore a few feet away and the moon shining down on their entwined bodies.

Chapter 12

Opening her eyes the next morning, Mia stared at the ceiling as the memories of last night flooded her brain.

She’d told him she loved him, she remembered with a twisting sensation in her stomach. Like an idiot, she’d let him rip away her one remaining shred of protection, baring her heart and soul. Now he could toy with her feelings, just as he played with her body. And why? Why had he done this to her? Wasn’t it enough for him that he fully controlled her life? Did he have to possess her on an emotional level as well, stripping away her last bit of privacy?

She could deny it today. She could say that he had tortured the words out of her – and that much would be true. But he would know that she was lying if she tried to go back on her reluctant confession.

Groaning, Mia buried her face in the pillow, wishing she could sleep longer. The last thing she wanted was to face him today.

After about a minute, she talked herself into getting up and going into the shower. To her surprise, there was no trace of sand anywhere on her body. Korum must’ve brought her home and washed her last night – or at some point this morning. She didn’t remember that part at all. She was also surprised that she didn’t have any soreness after last night’s sexual marathon; in New York, Korum would often have to use his healing device on her after a night like this. He had probably done it when she was sleeping, Mia decided.

Tags: Anna Zaires The Krinar Chronicles Science Fiction
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024