Junkie (Broken Doll 1) - Page 49

“Let go of me.” My voice was so low and even, it surprised even me. Feyo, the man who helped hold me down, immediately released my arm and stepped back in line with the other men. I inhaled through my nose, willing myself to stay calm enough to speak. “If you don’t get your fucking hands off of me this second, you won’t live to see tomorrow.”

I heard Miri gasp. She was close. Too fucking close. Too many dangerously explosive men nearby. Myself included. Finally, Milo came to his senses and let go of my arm. With a quick, well-practiced move, I snatched my KA-BAR from my leg and whirled around, pinning Milo to the opposite wall with my forearm while brandishing the long blade. I let the razor-sharp edge graze his skin where it made a pinpoint slice. Blood welled up and a single drop ran down his cheek. Furious, I dug my forearm into his thick neck, watching gleefully as his face turned red and his dark eyes flared with rage. Our noses bumped as I threw down the gauntlet once and for all.

“Don’t ever talk about Miri again. Don’t speak to her. Don’t look at her. Don’t even fucking think about her. She has absolutely nothing to do with me turning down that prick’s shitty deal.” Even with his air cut off, Milo managed to scowl. “I don’t deal in whores and I sure as fuck don’t deal in human slavery. Got it?” I dragged the blade down and the cut opened to half an inch. A steady flow of dark blood welled from the gash, dripping down Milo’s chin and onto his suit. I had to hold back a sneer.

Fucking disgusting.

Reluctantly, Milo gave a sharp nod of understanding. I stepped back, carefully wiping the knife on his jacket before returning it to its sheath. His suit was already ruined—no sense in trashing mine as well. My eyes flicked over to Miri. She looked as if she just woke up, no makeup, dressed in teeny tiny sleep shorts and a matching tank, her fiery hair piled on her head, and her mouth hanging open in shock. I met frightened green eyes and tipped my chin to let her know everything was okay. There was still work to be done, so I spun on my heel, told one of them to call someone to clean up the mess, and beckoned the rest of my men to follow me to the office.

As much as I’d have loved to throw Miri over my shoulder, take her to bed, and bury myself between her thighs all night long, I had a war to plan.

* * *

Fuck, I was tired.

Two of my men were dead—a clear signal of my rival’s intent to take me out—I had another fucking fight with Milo when we needed more than ever to work together to demolish our enemy, and I was frustrated from not getting a single moment with Miri in over a week, alone or otherwise.

When I passed the closed door of her room, I paused. She’d looked devastated earlier when she saw me lose my shit in the foyer. I winced at the thought of Miri seeing me like that, completely out of control, but she looked as if she understood. It was a camaraderie of sorts. Miri knew what it meant to be out of control. She knew pain.

It went against my nature to seek comfort from another person. Influenced by years of being on my own, I’m sure. Yet I wanted it, badly. Moving as quietly as possible, I slipped into her room and undressed. Miri was lying on her side, her back to the door. The sweet scent of her skin filled the room and drew me in like a moth to a flame. I couldn’t leave now if I wanted to.

I didn’t want to.

I should have gone to my own room, slept in my own bed, and left Miri alone so she wouldn’t get caught up in my shit any more than she already was. But I was too selfish, in too deep. I needed her like I needed air to breathe. I slid between the cool sheets and pressed my body to Miri’s back, letting her warmth seep into my cold skin and icy heart. She made a small sound, a contented little moan, and I knew, as I wrapped my arms around her waist and curled around her small body, I knew I was in love with this girl. The one who’d stumbled into my life and transformed it forever.

As my eyelids grew heavy, sleep pulling me under, my subconscious reminded me that I would likely have to make a choice soon. Miri or my job. I refused to trap her in this life when she deserved so much more. But I was certain I didn’t have the strength to make the right decision. I was selfish. Greedy. Hungry for more.

Tomorrow. I would worry about it tomorrow. Living for the moment, I buried my nose in Miri’s hair and breathed in her scent, allowing dreams of a future I would never have to fill my mind as I drifted off.



nbsp; The skin around my eyes was puffy and heavy as I blinked back the morning light streaming into the room. My lids were so swollen, I could hardly see through the thin slits. I began to roll over to cover my head with the pillow when I remembered last night. Jag and Milo, fighting—the snarls and curses I heard them shout at each other. Milo staring with those terrifying eyes as if he wanted to kill me with his bare hands. Going to bed and crying myself to sleep with the knowledge that a real relationship with Jag would never be possible. My throat constricted and my eyes burned. I couldn’t cry. I wouldn’t cry. I mean, my God, it just wasn’t possible to have any more tears after shedding so many last night.

A soft snuffle made me bolt upright in fear. I glanced over and blinked multiple times to be certain of what I saw. To my surprise, Jag was laying next to me in the bed, sprawled on his back, long arms outstretched. His gorgeous face was slack with sleep, and I frowned at the large purple bruise discoloring one cheek.

He came to me last night?

I didn’t remember Jag entering the room, let alone climbing into my bed. Jesus, I must have been out cold. For as long as I’d been at Jag’s house, this was the first time we’d shared a bed for anything other than sex or crashing afterward. My heart was heavy with emotion. I longed to etch this moment into my brain so I could recall it years from now when Jag was a mere blip on the radar of my life.

Biting my lip, I stared at the gorgeous man, studying every single detail. Just as I did the first time I saw him sleep, I noticed that without the constant demands of his job, Jag looked much, much younger than the gruff boss I saw every day. His tense, always on the defensive attitude was gone, replaced by a relaxed, beautiful and haunted man. Dark stubble grew overnight to cover his angled cheeks and chin, lending a rugged edge to his classically handsome good looks.

My eyes scrutinized the intricate tattoo on the skin of his left pectoral muscle. The dark, blood red rose was beautifully shaded. A few deep green leaves grew from a thorn-covered stem, and a single drop of blood hung ominously from the tip of one of the thorns. I’d never really looked at the tattoo before. When Jag wasn’t wearing T-shirts, he wore crisp, long-sleeved button-downs, neither of which displayed his art. Every time I saw Jag shirtless, we had been lost in each other, the unquenchable fire burning between us. This was the first time I had a chance to study the design.

Needing to touch him, I gently traced the curved line of the stem with a fingertip.

Jag’s hand darted out from his side, snatching my own in a painfully tight grip.

“Ow!” I fought to pull from his crushing hold.

“Miri?” When Jag realized what he was doing, a frown tugged at his mouth and he released my hand. Jag sat and rubbed his hands down his cheeks, the scrape of fingers across his stubble practically begging me to lean in and swipe my tongue across the rough surface. “I’m sorry, Miri. I was sleeping, I think. I don’t usually… I mean… I never sleep with anyone so I’m not used to…” Jag’s hands dropped to his lap and he sagged against the headboard. “Are you okay?” Tired blue eyes met mine. The dark circles beneath underlined the extent of his exhaustion.

“I’m fine. I didn’t mean to startle you.” I glanced away, unsure what to say about last night’s vicious and frightening display. Or about finding him in my bed this morning. In the end, I decided on honesty. “Why are you here, Jag?”

His sigh was long and weary, one of a man tired of fighting. “I don’t know, Miri. I just wanted to feel normal for one minute of my life.” He twisted his head to trap me with those mesmerizing eyes. “And I missed you.”

My heart did a flip and I sucked in a loud breath. “I missed you too.”

Tags: Heather C. Leigh Broken Doll Dark
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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