The Other Side of the Pillow - Page 3

It makes no sense . . .

No sense at all

I am a good woman

A brilliant woman

A compassionate woman

A loving woman

An educated woman

A beautiful woman

A romantic woman

A unique and special woman

So why do men overlook me?

Or come into my life and play games?

Use Jedi mind tricks?

Spit out bullshit lies?

Expect me to share dick?

Expect me to tolerate their shit?

Say one thing and do another?

Call me names and expect me to be their lover?

Hit on me and then try to kiss me?

Talk shit behind my back?





Those are the words that describe me

Those are the terms that define me

Now it is time for me to find me

Before it is too late

And my heart can no longer participate

In what people call love

Tags: Zane Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024