Playing Doctor - Page 19

Kelly looked over her shoulder at her. "Yeah? That's probably a good idea. I mean from what you've told me, yikes. I don't know how you managed to live like that for so long." She shook her head.

"I know. I wonder that too sometimes." Her voice was soft, barely above a whisper. "Anyway, he gave me some names, but… I just don't think they're the right fit."


"And I just don't know what to do. Do I ask him for another name, or do I look for myself?"

"What was wrong with the three he gave you?"

"Two were old men and one was a girl basically straight out of school."

"Ah, okay, so yeah, maybe ask him for another name at your next appointment then?"

"I could just email him or call him."

Kelly looked over at her. "He gave you his email and phone number?" she asked slyly. "Something I should know about?"

Aurelia blushed. "No. I mean… Damn. He's so easy to talk to Kel, and I really like him."

"So? Ask him out for coffee then. Nothing says you can't be friends with him, right?"

"Well… it's a fine line, isn't it? If anyone from the hospital saw us together it could damage his career. I don't want to do that. And who's to say he would even meet me for coffee somewhere? And how does this help me decide if I should ask him for another name or find my own?"

"Okay, I get not wanting to use the old men, but the girl, what do the reviews say about her?"

Aurelia thought about what she'd read, and she had to admit they were good. "People like her, say she's very nice and have made them comfortable to share things."

"Then call and set up an appointment with her. You can email Dr. McHottie and tell him you have news; suggest you meet for coffee. What's the worst he can do? Say no?"

"You don't think I'll be crossing a line?"

Kelly shrugged as she stirred the shrimp and butter in the pan. "I say follow your heart. Maybe the two of you are meant to be together. Why let some hospital ethics board get in the way of true love?" She grinned.

Aurelia shook her head. "Because it's his career and he's obviously worked his very nice ass off to get where he is, and he might not even be interested in me like that."

"But he might be. You won't know until you ask, will you?"

Aurelia nodded. "Well at least for now, I can make the appointment with the therapist." She set the knife down and returned to the living room, opening her computer. She clicked the button on Dr. Jessica Schmitt's website to make an online appointment. She set it up for tomorrow afternoon and then returned to the kitchen.

Later that night, after Kelly and Bella returned home, Aurelia sat in her bed with her laptop on her lap, her email opened as she debated what she wanted to say. Finally, she started to type.

Hi, Dr. West,

I just wanted to let you know I made an appointment with Dr. Schmitt and to thank you for suggesting her. Also thank you for today. You are so easy to talk to and you always manage to calm me when my head starts to spiral. I was wondering if maybe we could meet for coffee tomorrow morning, as a thank you for going above and beyond the call of duty. Aurelia

Before she could change her mind, she hit send. Her nerves spiked a little right after, but she decided to take a few minutes to clear out her junk mail and then maybe check out her Facebook before heading to bed. She wasn't expecting him to answer her right away, but just as she finished emptying the junk mail, her computer dinged showing she had a new email. Feeling giddy, she clicked to open it.


I am so glad to hear that. Coffee sounds nice. If you don't mind meeting at Friendship Coffee over near Yosemite Park? I'm not technically supposed to meet with patients outside of work, so best we meet somewhere away from the hospital and my practice. Yours, Daniel

Aurelia's heart beat a little faster seeing his answer and she quickly typed back.


—she felt a little naughty using his first name, but he had signed it Daniel and not Dr. West, so she left it—


Friendship Coffee is perfect. Shall we meet at nine a.m.? Looking forward to seeing you, Aurelia

She hit send again and waited, half afraid that he'd bail on her but after another minute, he sent back a reply.


Nine a.m. is perfect. I am looking forward to seeing you too. Sleep well. Yours, Daniel

Feeling a little giddy, she picked up her phone and texted Kelly.

I did it ~ Aurelia

Did what? ~ Kelly

Emailed him and asked him to coffee ~ Aurelia

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025