Playing Doctor - Page 25

"Bella, what do you think?"

Bella yipped.

"Yes, I think so too. How about some dinner before I head out?"

Bella yipped again and danced around her feet.

Aurelia headed to the kitchen, fixed Bella's food, and then grabbed her phone, purse and keys and headed out to meet the bus. She was still taking the bus to their dates, as she was concerned someone would see him with her. He'd offered to pick her up for this date, but she'd declined. She didn't want him to get in trouble.

The bus arrived two minutes later, and she boarded. The trip to Alamo Drafthouse in Yonkers took her forty-five minutes and she had to switch buses a couple of times, but she finally made it. Daniel was waiting for her in the entrance. The Alamo showed both new and classic movies, but they were there for a classic feature. The other cool thing she'd discovered about the Alamo was that they served cocktails and real food during the shows.

"Hi," she said, approaching him.

"Wow, you look incredible." Daniel moved toward her and kissed her cheek.

Aurelia felt her cheeks heat. "Thanks, you look pretty good yourself."

"I wish you'd have let me pick you up. I hate that you had to take the bus. I'm taking you home, no excuses."

Aurelia laughed. "I'm not going to argue. That was a bit much."

He chuckled. "Come on, let's go take our seats. I've not seen Rear Window in forever, let alone in the theatre, this should be fun."

"Me either."

They settled into their seats and gave their food and drink order to the attendant, then settled back to watch the film. Once their food was eaten, Daniel held her hand and Aurelia felt incredibly giddy about it. She had seen the movie before but seeing it on the big screen with Daniel by her side gave it a new element that made it even more exciting.

Still though, her thoughts turned often to the man at her side. He was incredibly handsome, smart, sexy… everything she could ask for in a guy. And he was fun to be with, they always had something to talk about, and while they were waiting for the movie to start, she'd discovered they liked the same kind of movie snacks, which they'd ordered after eating their meals.

After the movie, Daniel wrapped his arm around her and guided her to his car. He opened the passenger door and helped her in, then as Aurelia put on her seatbelt, he climbed in next to her. She smiled over at him, anticipation beating a mad rhythm in her chest.

He pulled out of the space and started driving, heading back toward White Plains. Aurelia held her hand out near the gear shift and he laced his fingers through hers. Aurelia felt a warmth spread through her.

"This has been the best night. I don't want it to end."

He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. "I think so too."

As they got closer to her neighborhood, she worked up the courage to ask, "Daniel… do you want to spend the night?"

He put the brakes on and pulled to the side of the road, putting the car in park. He turned to her, his eyes meeting hers as she waited with baited-breath for him to answer. He moved toward her slowly, cupping her face in his hands. His eyes searched her face for a moment before his lips descended on hers. She slipped her hands up his chest and around his neck, pulling him closer as his tongue swept over her lips and she opened her mouth to him. They kissed for several minutes and then, with them both breathing heavily, he pulled back.


Aurelia felt her heartbeat quicken again. "Then when you pull into my driveway, I'll open the garage and you can park there."

He put the car back in gear and they finished the drive. Aurelia hopped out of the car in the driveway, moved to the garage, used her key to open the side door, then opened the large garage door. Daniel drove in and she closed it behind his car. She made sure to lock everything back up as they went through the door into the laundry room. It was a door she seldom used since she didn't have a car, but Bella was right there when they came in yipping in greeting.

"I just need to let her out really quick, kitchen is through here."

Once Bella had gone out and come back in, Aurelia locked up the house and then turned to join Daniel who was leaning against the counter watching her intently. She felt a little awkward now, not knowing what to do. He opened his arms and she stepped into them.

He enveloped her, his lips descending on hers again. They kissed frenzily for several minutes, and then he scooped her up in his arms and said, "Bedroom?" between frantic kisses.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025