Playing Doctor - Page 28

"This is going to be so hard." Aurelia frowned and dragged a hand through her hair.

"It is, but we can do it. I have faith in us."

His words made her smile. "Okay. I guess that will work for now. I want it on the record that I'm not happy about it though," she replied.

"Duly noted. I miss you."

"I miss you too."

"I'd better go. I'm sitting in my car, probably drawing attention to myself by being on the phone like this."

"Okay. Be safe driving home."

"I will."

He hung up and Aurelia sighed. She half-wished that she'd told him that she loved him; she was pretty sure she did. It was early days in their relationship, but the hurt she felt had made her realize her feelings for him ran deep.

As she sat on the couch she had to wonder if maybe this private investigator had more to do with her and less to do with Daniel. What if Marcus or her mother was behind it? Suddenly she had to know. She dialed her mother.

"Aurelia Louise, it is about time you call—"

"Mother! Did you give Marcus my location?" she demanded, cutting her mother off.

"So, what if I did? You belong back here, Aurelia. Back with Marcus and me. He deserves a second chance. I'm just making sure you give him one."

"Mother! He abused me! How do you not get that? He is not a good man! How could you do this to me?"

"Oh, come off it, Aurelia. You were with him for ten years! If he were abusing you, I'd know it, wouldn't I! This is just an excuse for you to run off and leave your responsibilities, like me! Marcus provided you with a good life, you should be gratef—"

"Mother, shut the hell up! You don't know anything about my life and what he put me through! And if I end up in the hospital again, or dead, it's your fault! I'm done, Mother. Do you hear me? Don't ever call me again. Don't try to contact me. I'm done." Aurelia hung up and pushed the button to block her mother from calling her. Then she pulled up her Facebook app and blocked her from reaching out to her that way too, as well as from her email.

When she was done barring her mother from seeing anything about her life, or talking to her, she set the phone down, curled up in a ball and cried herself to sleep on the couch.

Chapter 13


"This is Dr. West," Daniel answered his phone.

"Dr. West, this is Dr. Bellamy."

"What can I do for you, Dr. Bellamy?" Daniel asked nervously. Dr. Julia Bellamy was the new Director of Cardiology and his supervisor at the hospital. She'd also been his mentor since coming on board at White Plains.

"I'd like to see you in my office this morning. As soon as you can get here, actually."

"I have patients but let me see what I can do. Give me thirty minutes."

"You have twenty." She hung up.

Daniel's heart raced. Had she found out about Aurelia? Had she hired the private investigator? He'd thought they had been so careful, but it seemed he'd been wrong. Damn it. He raked a hand through his hair and stood up. "Helen? Josie? I need to reschedule this morning's patients. Can you make the calls?"

"Of course, Doctor. Is everything alright?" Josie asked.

"I think so, just have a meeting with Dr. Bellamy about something at the hospital." He gave them a tight smile. There was no need to worry them over this. At least he hoped not. "I'll be back as soon as I can." He hurried out of the office to his car, made the ten-minute drive to the hospital, and parked near the cardiology department.

Straightening his tie, he went inside and straight to Dr. Bellamy's office. "Hi, Marie, I have an appointment with Dr. Bellamy."

Marie, Dr. Bellamy's receptionist, nodded. "Have a seat. She'll be with you shortly."

Frowning, he took a seat. He felt like a schoolboy sitting outside of the principal's office waiting to find out his punishment for some misdeed.

Half an hour later, Marie looked over at him and said, "Dr. Bellamy will see you now." She gestured toward the door behind her.

Daniel stood up, walked over to the door, and knocked. When he heard her call out for him to enter, he opened the door.

"Come in, Dr. West, and shut the door." She didn't look at him.

Daniel did as she requested and moved closer to her desk.

"Have a seat."

He sat down and folded his hands in his lap as he leaned forward toward her. "What is this about, Dr. Bellamy?"

She finally put her pen down and looked at him. There was disappointment in her eyes as she pursed her lips at him. "How about you tell me."

Daniel looked at her curiously. He knew she had to be referring to his relationship with Aurelia, but he wasn't going to bring it up if she didn't. "Tell you what?"

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025