Playing Doctor - Page 39

"Yeah, he said that's something he verifies now. Makes sure who he's following is actually in the wrong before he takes a case. He's not up for helping abusers harassing their exes."

"Good to know." Aurelia grinned.

"What about you?" Kelly asked as she picked Bella up and cuddled her. "How are things with Dr. McHottie?"

"Ugh, two more freaking months! I am so ready to be done with this not seeing him! I mean the video chats are great, and our texts and phone calls but—" Aurelia leaned forward and whispered, "I cannot wait until we can physically be in each other's company without having to pretend we're merely doctor and patient. It just sucks."

"Maybe pretend he's overseas? Like one of those Doctors Without Borders doctors… aren't they gone for months at a time?"

Aurelia laughed. "I guess they are, but not really going to work when I see him at his office twice a week."

"Well, I never said it was a good suggestion," Kelly replied joining in Aurelia's giggles.

Aurelia sighed. "Thank you."

"For what?" Kelly asked as she set Bella back down.

"For being supportive."

She shook her head. "Of course! You have done so much for me, and that's what best friends are for. To have your back and help out when needed and to bury the occasional dead body of an ex… you know, have shovel; will bury." She grinned widely as she sipped her coffee.

Aurelia laughed until tears streamed down her cheeks. "Oh, goodness! Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that with Marcus. I can only hope he's finally moved on."

"I'm just saying, I've got a shovel, should we need it." Kelly attempted to look innocent but then ruined the effect by bursting out in laughter. "I suppose I shouldn't joke like that; someone might overhear and think I'm serious." Then she leaned forward and winked as she whispered, "Which I totally am!"

Her words sent Aurelia into peals of laughter again. It felt good to spend the day with her best friend.

"Come on," Kelly said, hopping up from the little iron table they were seated at. "Let's go get you that used car, so you don't have to take the bus all the time anymore."

Aurelia had finally earned enough to put a deposit on a car and feel like she could afford a monthly payment. She was looking forward to having something to drive again.

On Tuesday, Aurelia left the office at eleven as usual when she was going to her appointment with Daniel, but this time, she got into her gently used Honda Accord. It felt great to be able to take herself places now and not have to wait for a bus. She pulled into the parking garage, parked, and got on the elevator to his office.

"Hi, Josie," she said as she approached the receptionist with a smile.

"Hi, Ms. Carson. Dr. West is on a call, so he's running just a little behind, do you want to have a seat, or do you want to reschedule? I know you're on your lunch hour, so it's perfectly fine if you need to."

"I can wait. I'm not taking the bus anymore; you're looking at the new owner of a 2020 Honda Accord." She grinned at her.

"Ooooh congratulations," Josie said with a grin. "Just have a seat, Helen will come and get you as soon as he's ready."

"Sounds good, th—" Aurelia started but someone grabbed her arm and turned to see what was going on and her eyes widened. "Marcus! Let me go!"

Chapter 19


Aurelia yanked her arm from him and tried to back up, away from Marcus who was red-faced and wild-eyed at the moment. He looked really scary, and she was afraid he would hurt her. "Go away, Marcus!"

"I knew I'd find you here! You slut! Come to get a little fun-time in with that doctor?" Marcus accused.

"What the hell are you talking about, you demento! I'm here for my appointment!"

"Right! Like anyone goes to see their doctor twice a week every fucking week! Lame excuse, Aurelia! You're coming back to Portland with me! We're leaving right now!" He reached for her again.

"Ms. Carson! I'm getting Dr. West!" Josie called from the reception desk.

"Leave me alone, Marcus, I'm not going anywhere with you! You're insane!"

Aurelia looked around for somewhere to go, but the office door to get back where Daniel was at was still closed and she knew from experience it was locked on this side, and Marcus was blocking the other exit, not that she wanted to go that way either. Her heart started pounding in her chest, but so far, she wasn't having any pain, thank goodness.

"I'll kill the bastard for touching you!" Marcus swore as he pointed toward the office door.

"He's not— Marcus he's my doctor, for God's sake! I've been ill, you moron! YOU caused this illness with the stupid diuretics you made me take for years and the insane diet you made me follow, you asshole! I left you and moved across the country to get away from you! I don't belong to you!" Aurelia was shaking intensely as she tried to, once again, yank her arm from Marcus' grip.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025