Playing Doctor - Page 4

Myra Hoffman frowned. "A month? They couldn't get you in sooner?"

Aurelia shook her head. "No, is it going to be a problem? I can use it as my lunch hour—"

"No, no, it's not a problem, Aurelia, not at all. I just can't believe they wouldn't get you in sooner."

"Well, the receptionist told me to go to urgent care if I need to."

"Maybe you should. You're too young to be having such chest pains like that."

Aurelia nodded. "Okay. I'll go after work tonight. I've got my neighbor bringing Bella over tonight too, so hopefully it won't take too long."

"If you need to leave a little early, you can. Just make it up tomorrow by taking a shorter lunch. I'm good with that."

"Are you sure? I hate to be taking advantage, I mean I'm new—"

"And you've worked diligently since you've been here, you've even brought us new clients, so if you need to take an hour, do it. I know you'll make up for it."

"I will. I just don't want to let you down. You took a leap of faith hiring me from across the country—"

"Aurelia. Stop. You were far and above the best candidate for the job. Sure, we had a ton of college grads apply, but it's rare for us to get applicants with your experience as well as the schooling you had. We're lucky to have you. You need to have more confidence and believe in yourself. You're talented and smart."

Aurelia smiled. "Thank you. I'll work on it." She chuckled softly.

"Good. Now, where are we on the Salazar account?"

Aurelia took a few minutes to go over business with her and then headed back to her office to get back to work. Feeling slightly guilty, she did leave a half an hour early and caught the Bee-Line to the urgent care.

"Ms. Carson?"

Aurelia stood and followed the nurse back. The clinic wasn't too busy, and she'd only had to wait ten minutes to be seen. She stood on the scale and they recorded her weight and height and then led her into an exam room.

"Now, what seems to be the problem?" the nurse asked as she took her blood pressure.

"I've been having chest pains and just feeling weak for the last several weeks." She went on to tell the nurse how often during the day she was experiencing the pain and what it felt like.

"Okay, well the doctor will be in shortly."

Twenty minutes later a harried older man in a white doctor's coat strode in. He looked over the notes the nurse had taken as he walked in. "Ms. Carson? I'm Doctor Blake. You're experiencing chest pains and weakness?"


"How long have you been feeling this way?" He listened to her heart and frowned.

"A month or so?"

"I see you've recently moved here from Oregon?"


"Well, I don't think you're having a heart attack, not with the length of time you've been experiencing the pain. I think you've just had a really stressful month. I'm going to prescribe you some anti-anxiety medicine. Just try to reduce your caffeine intake and get some rest."

"Okay, thank you." Aurelia pursed her lips. He hadn't really done anything. Still, she hoped the medicine would work.

He handed her a prescription and sent her on her way.

Aurelia made it through the weekend, but the pain didn't dissipate. Kelly picked up Bella on Sunday night, and Aurelia went to bed early thinking that maybe she really just needed more sleep. She woke up groggy on Monday morning and just barely made her bus to get to work on time.

She'd been at work for about two hours when the pain intensified, and she struggled to stand up. A moment later, she blacked out and fell to floor.

Chapter 2


Feeling slightly nauseous, Aurelia tried to sit up, but there were straps across her body. She opened her eyes and stared up into the eyes of a man she didn't recognize.

"Ma'am? You're okay, just lay back, we're on our way to the hospital." He gently settled a hand on her shoulder to keep her on the gurney.

Puzzled, Aurelia's brow furrowed. "Hospital? But—"

"You were unconscious for a few minutes, your co-workers called for us. I don't think it was a heart attack, but you do have a low-grade fever and your heartbeat is a little fast. Are you experiencing any pain?"

Aurelia nodded, and then coughed and winced. "Y-yes. My chest, up my neck and my arm, a little." Her breathing was shallow and coming almost in gasps.

"Well, we'll get you in to the ER and they'll see what they can do for you."

"Thank you," Aurelia murmured. She fretted about her job and what her boss must be thinking about her right then. Were they going to see her as a problem? They'd literally had to call an ambulance for her. What about the case files she was supposed to be working on? Would Ms. Hoffman give them to someone else? Was she going to have a job to get back to?

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025