Salvation (Surrender 3) - Page 37

No one answers me, but Robbie steps away and starts organizing the mounds of food on the counter.

“Who all did you buy for? There’s enough food for six people.”

“At least five.”

“Are you feeding five?”

“Seems so, but we’ll get to that in a minute. I want to talk to you about something.”

Uneasiness sends a pit to my stomach. I instinctively start to fidget and look around the room.

“Jesus, you’re adorable. Calm down, Ember.”

His face is filled with humor when I meet his eyes.

He walks back to me and surprises me by lifting me onto the counter top and situating himself between my knees. His hands move to either side of me, caging me in. “Remember how I told you Raven’s getting married in Florida in a few weeks?”


“I want you to come with me.”

“You want me to be your date to your sister’s wedding? In Florida?” I repeat, not sure I heard him right.

“That’s exactly what I want.”

“What does Raven think? Have you talked to her?”

“Of course, called her today. They are there this weekend to plan the details. She’s getting a few condos, and I asked her to put us with them.”


“Yeah, I know you feel comfortable with Raven.”

“You asked to stay with your sister and her fiancé, on their wedding weekend, instead of being with your friends, for me?”

He cringes. “I’d rather not think about the specifics of what’ll be happening under the roof, but essentially, yes. I want you with me, and this is the best arrangement. We’re sure as shit not staying with the band. Cooper, Nate, and Blake are crazy fuckers, and Charlie will be with them, too. I’m pretty sure we’ll have another couple in our condo, maybe even Finn and Tripp. But I claimed us a room.”

It all sounds so perfect, but then realization sets in. I can’t leave right now. His eyes dance, his lips twitching slightly.

“Before I tell you the rest, I need to know if you’ll go. Will you accept my invitation to my baby sister’s wedding?”

“I can’t.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I know this is the busiest time of the year for you, so I called back up. One thing led to another, and you’re covered for work.”


“I hope you don’t mind, but I called Cruz first to tell him my plans to ask you, knowing your work schedule is hectic. He told me it was taken care of, but that your Aunt Chloe would never let you leave the state without meeting me first. So I asked to cook you all dinner here tonight.”

“What?!?” I screech. All the giddiness and fluttery excitement flies out the window.

“Yeah, I’m going to grill some steaks, drink some beer, and meet your aunt.”

“No, no, no… we have to stop her from coming.” I scramble to move, but he grips my hips.

“Why would we do that?”

“Robbie, your family and my family are very different.”

Tags: Ahren Sanders Surrender Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024