Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 29

I had heard him tell Evan he didn’t work at a gym but built things. I wondered if he was ashamed of being in construction. He talked about his family but never offered much personal detail. Perhaps they didn’t approve of his job. There was no shame in being in construction. It was good, honest work. Hard, as well. I sighed as I thought about it. I somehow had to let him know I was fine with it without just blurting it out. I didn’t want to scare him away. I had to admit, I liked him far too much.

We reached a bench in the park, and Paige sat down, placing the rolling basket beside her. We’d done some shopping, and it was now Lucy’s time for the park. She headed directly to the swings, kicking off and pumping her legs hard. We knew not to offer to help her. She was independent and fierce. Aside from the monkey bars, she played on everything, finding her own way to do so with her one arm. She was an amazing little girl.

“So, Ronan,” Paige murmured. “He is something.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “He is.”

“Is he hiding something?”

I looked at her. “What do you mean?”

“He dresses well. Drives a nice car. He talks as if he’s well educated. He belongs to a pricey gym…” She paused. “Can you do that on a construction worker’s salary?”

I pursed my lips. “I have no idea.” I hadn’t really paid attention to his car or his clothes. “Can’t construction workers talk well? Or have nice clothes?”

She laughed. “I suppose so. I confess, I don’t know any. Maybe he’s a foreman or something. He certainly seems smart.”

“I think maybe his family doesn’t approve of his job. He gets uncomfortable whenever I bring them up.”

She nodded. “Could be. Maybe he grew up with money, and they don’t approve of his choice.” She sent me a side glance. “Of course, one way to find out is to ask him.”

“We’ve only had one date. I’m sure we’ll talk about family stuff. He doesn’t know about me either.”

“True. Interesting, though. He’s got me curious.”

“I thought you only wanted to know if he had a brother.”

“Well, there is that too.” She nudged me. “Two questions you need to ask.”

I laughed, even while a niggle of doubt worried my brain. What if I didn’t like the answers to my questions?

I sighed and shook my head, concentrating on watching Lucy. I would figure out Ronan soon enough.

* * *

We walked back into the house, hearing the echo of shared laughter. I paused for a moment, enjoying the sound. Evan was always too serious for his age. Hearing him laugh was wonderful. I headed to his room, Lucy racing ahead of me. I paused in the door, taking in the sight. Evan and Ronan were at his table he kept in the corner, building Lego together. Ronan looked huge in Evan’s room, perched on a chair that was too small for him, no doubt uncomfortable, but not at all worried about it. He looked like a kid, reaching for a Lego brick , talking about his favorite set he liked to build when he was Evan’s age.

“My brothers and I would spread out all the pieces on the floor and have contests of who could build something the fastest. My dad always stepped on a piece and yelled at us. My mom would laugh every time. Then my dad would get in on the action, and we would have a competition,” he told Evan, who was watching him. “I always liked to build stuff, even when I was a kid.” Without breaking his concentration, Ronan lifted Lucy onto his lap. He dropped a kiss to her head as if it were the most natural thing to do. “Hey, Lucy-loo. How was the park?”

She giggled. “Evan calls me that.”

“I know,” he said. “He told me. I like it. Is it okay if I call you that too?”

She nodded. “Can I help?”

He handed her a partially built item. “Put this piece here,” he said patiently. He met my gaze across the room, his gaze warm and welcoming. “Hi.”

“Hi yourself. Having fun?”

“A blast,” he replied.

Evan grinned at me. “Ronan is so cool.”

Ronan held up his hand and got a high five. “Darn right, I am.”

I laughed, watching as Lucy lifted her arm, wanting one. Her hand looked tiny against his large one. He flipped her hand over and tapped it. “Baby five, Lucy-loo. A tiny one, just for you.”

She giggled. “That rhymed.”

He nodded. “Yep.”

She leaned up and kissed his cheek, and he beamed down at her. Behind me, I heard Paige’s fast intake of air. We had never seen Lucy kiss anyone but us. I turned and met Paige’s gaze. Her eyes were damp, and she squeezed my hand. Her voice was a whisper in my ear.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024