Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 36

He shrugged. “I never said anything. They liked those flavors, so I just went along with it.”

I studied him, wondering what else in his life he simply “went along with.”

Before I could ask, he made Lucy laugh, and I filed that question away for later.

He’d built Lego with Evan then helped him with homework as I bathed and got Lucy ready for bed. I could hear them talking while I washed her hair, their voices low. I had a feeling they weren’t talking about other Lego projects, and I wondered what Evan was saying to Ronan.

After Lucy’s bath, Ronan read her a story, and she fell asleep. He carried her into her room and watched as I tucked her in.

Ronan followed me down the hall. I stopped at Evan’s door and peeked in. He was busy with his books, concentrating on homework.

“Need anything?” I asked.

He looked up. “No, I’m good. I’m going to study a bit and read.”

I smiled. He loved to read as much as I did. We went to the library a lot to pick up books for all of us.

“You figured out that math thing?”

He nodded. “Ronan explained it to me, and now I get it.”


“Can you shut my door?”

“Sure.” He liked his privacy, and I always knew when the door was shut not to bother him.

“Night, bud,” Ronan said behind me.

“Thanks, Ronan. For the Lego and…and the talk.”


I shut Evan’s door, and we went to the living room. I sat down, Ronan beside me on the sofa.

“Is he being bullied?” I asked quietly.

“He’s having a hard time.”

“I don’t know what to do,” I admitted.

He exhaled hard. “Maybe I can help.”


“Give me a few days. Just…just trust me.”

“I do,” I whispered, surprised to hear myself say those words. “I do trust you.”


“What were you and your uncle talking to Evan about?”

“Oh. Van’s son, Reed, is adopted. When he was little and first came to live with them, he had a bad limp. Van and my dad helped build up the strength in his muscles. Reed overcame the limp, and I thought Van might have a few ideas on how I could help Evan. He asked Evan some questions about his leg to better understand what we’re dealing with.”

“Your dad?” I asked, surprised. “Is he a doctor?”

“No. But he’s taken countless courses about therapy. He does massage, acupuncture, and knows all about the body. He’s really into fitness and strength.”

“I see.”

“I think we could help Evan, Beth. I want to try if you’ll let me.”

“Why?” I asked, unable to stop myself. “Why do you care?”

He frowned as if searching for words. “He’s a good kid and I like him. He matters to you.” He paused, picking up my hand. “You matter to me.”

“I don’t want to bother—”

He stopped my words by shaking his head. “It’s not a bother. I like him,” he stressed again. “Let me try. All we asked was what he was doing so we could see if we could add something to it that might help.”

I sighed. “I have no supplemental insurance, so his therapy is mostly what we do at home. The place we went was good and gave him bands and exercises, and when I can, he goes in for an assessment…” I trailed off as Ronan nodded in sympathy.

“Let me try.”

I would do anything for my little brother. Seeing how determined Ronan was to try to help touched my heart.

“Thank you,” I breathed out.

He stroked my cheek. “You’re welcome. Now, how are your intersession classes going?”

I smiled at him. He remembered everything I told him on our date. He’d asked so many questions, I’d lost track of all that we’d discussed. He didn’t, though.


“You work too hard.”

I shrugged. “By taking two now, I can work all summer and save more money. With tourists, the diner will be busy, and I can get full-time hours. My schedule is lighter than usual for the next while with only two courses.”

“I did the same thing when I was going to school. I took summer classes too.”

“Then you know how busy I am.”

“I didn’t have the responsibilities you do. You amaze me, little bird.” He played with one of my curls, twirling it around his finger, looking thoughtful. “I want to make your life easier,” he said with a frown.

“My life is fine,” I responded, touched by his sincere words. He seemed so concerned about me. About us. It was an odd feeling to have someone be worried about me anymore, aside from Paige.

I met his eyes. “Especially now you’re part of it.”

With a low groan, he hauled me onto his lap and covered my mouth with his. He kissed me until I was breathless. Until I was clutching his shoulders as need and desire twisted inside me so tightly, it felt as if my nerves were on the outside of my body, stretched and taut. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted another man. I felt his desire trapped between us. I twisted so I straddled his lap, and he groaned as I moved over him.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024