Finding Ronan's Heart (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 2) - Page 62

“To get me to talk to him.”


I sighed. “I have to think about it.”

They looked disappointed, but neither of them argued. Ava wrote a number on the back of a business card. “This is my cell. If you call me, I’ll get you to Ronan. He’s out in Port Albany at his house.”

I frowned. “Port Albany? Where he took us for a picnic?”

“Yes. Our family owns that land. He has a house there.” She hesitated before speaking again. “He was going to move there permanently until he met you. He changed his mind because he wanted to be close to you. But he’s been staying there because he can’t stand to be in Toronto and not be with you.”

I took the card she offered me. I looked at the logo on the front.

“ABC Corp. You all work there. Together.”

“Some of us.” Gracie patted my hand. “If you move forward with Ronan, there are lots of us. We’re a huge, blended family. You might wish Ronan kept us a secret forever.”

I smiled sadly and stood. Evan always wanted a big family. He thought it would be cool.

I slipped the card into my pocket. “Whatever happens, I’m glad Ronan has you,” I said with a smile. “He is very lucky to have two women standing up for him.”

Ava met my gaze. “He would rather have you.”

I picked up my cup and headed back to the kitchen. I had no words to offer her.

Chapter Eighteen


The kids were in bed, and Paige and I lounged on the sofa with a bottle of wine and a bucket of popcorn. I chewed the buttery goodness, licking the salt off my fingers.

“So, they were there without Ronan knowing?” she asked.

“That’s what they said.”

“I assume his best friend slept with the other girl.”

“Reading between the lines, yes.”

“Were they nice?”

I sipped my wine and nibbled on more popcorn. “Yes, they were.”

“Did you believe them?”

I sighed. “They had no reason to lie to me. Although, neither did Ronan, so I have no idea.”

“So, they said Ronan lied because he wanted to keep you to himself. Because he liked just being Ronan. A regular guy.”

“In a nutshell.”

“Huh.” She inhaled, and I braced myself for her next words.

“If I read between the lines, I’d say since that other girl used him for his money, he decided to downplay that part of his life. Maybe it was a test—I don’t know. He seemed so genuine, I can’t imagine him enjoying keeping things from you. Maybe he was, as his sister and cousin said, enjoying being just one guy—not part of a trio. I remember thinking how odd it was he was unsure about his favorite kind of eggs.”

“Or ice cream,” I added without thinking.

“Yes!” she exclaimed.

“What are you trying to say?”

“Just playing devil’s advocate here, Beth, but is it the worst thing in the world finding out your boyfriend, who is crazy about you, is rich and has a big family that is dying to meet you?”

“I don’t like him for his money.”

“That is a fact he will forever be sure of.”

“So, you think I should forgive him?”

“I’m going to be honest. I know you weren’t ready before, but I think you should talk to him. You’re miserable. I’ve never known you to cry, and you do it all the time now. Evan is sad. Hell, even Lucy asks about him.” She huffed. “I kinda miss the big lug, too.” She nudged my foot. “I think you miss him terribly. It sounds as if he is pining for you. Maybe you need to talk and clear the air. Decide if you can trust him again. You can start again with no secrets.”

She was right. I did miss him. More than I admitted. I missed his smile and laugh. The way it felt when he hugged me. Kissed me. I longed for his touch. To watch him inhale something I had cooked and praise it while filling his plate again.

“I’ll call Ava.”

Paige smiled. “Good plan.” She refilled our glasses again and lifted hers in a mock toast. “To secretly rich boyfriends. Maybe your luck will rub off and I’ll find one too.”

We both began to laugh, and I had to admit—it felt good.

* * *

The next morning, Paige appeared in my doorway. “My God, Beth. Your ride is here.”

I had called Ava the night before, and she had asked if I could go to Port Albany the next morning. She promised to arrange a driver for me, and I had assumed it would be her. Paige had encouraged me to go, saying she would take Evan and Lucy out for breakfast and they’d go to the park.

“Okay. Is it Ava or Gracie?”

She clutched my arm. “It’s his brother. The non-triplet one. Heavens, he is enormous. And incredibly sexy.” She fanned her face. “I want to climb him like a tree.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024