The Boss Too (Managing the Bosses 2) - Page 2

The waiter came then, much to Jamie’s relief. “Can I take your orders?” he asked.

“I’d like the chicken Caesar salad, please,” Jamie said, handing him the menu.

“Dressing on the side,” her mother said, raising an eyebrow at Jamie. “She wants dressing on the side.”

“I’d rather have dressing on the actual salad. I don’t think it’ll kill me.”

“No, but it might send you on a downward spiral to obesity.”

Jamie sighed. “Fine,” she said. “Dressing on the side, please.”

“I’ll have the same, but with the dressing on the salad,” Christine said. “And a chocolate martini, as well.”

“Another red wine for me, and the seafood chowder,” her mother added. She elbowed her husband and he looked up from his phone.

“Oh,” he mumbled. “Just the special. Thank you.”

“I can’t wait to see your wedding dress,” Jamie’s mother said to Christine. “It’s going to look fantastic on you, I know it will.”

Jamie’s father rolled his eyes and checked his pocket for his headphones. When he realized he didn’t bring them he turned to Jamie. “What have you been up to as of late?”

“Gina, a girl I work with, and I went out for happy hour at the bar across the street, and—”

“Oh no, you got the fried shrimp, didn’t you?” Christine rolled her eyes. “You always do. I knew you were wearing a girdle tonight!”

She bit back a comment. Her dress was loose and unfitted. Why in the world would she wear a girdle with it? “Has your wedding dress come in already?”

“Excuse me, I hope you don’t mind me interrupting a moment,” a smooth, male voice said. “Could I speak with Jamie a moment?”

Jamie flushed. Could this night get any more awkward?

Everyone stared at Alex as he approached the table. Jamie could see three men in very expensive business suits sitting at the table behind them.

She stood and walked over to him. “Business dinner?”

“Boring as hell. I’d rather be at your table.”

She tried not to smile. “No, you wouldn’t, trust me.”

He glanced behind her. “No Stephen tonight?”

“Not so far.” She wondered if he’d purposely brought the meeting to the restaurant as she could have sworn his agenda had him downtown tonight. “Do you need anything, Mr. Reid?” She’d gone back to calling him by his full name and he hadn’t argued.

His face betrayed nothing. “There’s a contract I’ll need you to type up tonight. I hope that’s not too much of a bother?”

She couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or trying to see if she would be home tonight. “No problem. I may have to borrow your computer as my laptop is at work. I didn’t think to take it back this evening.”

Did she detect a spark in his eye at the mention of his laptop? Warm tingling teased deep in her belly as she thought of the last time she’d used it and he’d caught her looking at porn. It wasn’t my fault! She wanted to tell him. Even if she’d been the one snooping at his computer history.

“Not a problem. I’ll also make sure Gina orders you a Mac notebook similar to mine with connections to the office.”

“Sure.” She heard her mother cough and clear her throat behind her.

“Excellent.” He turned back to the entrepreneurs behind him. “I believe we’ve concluded our business for tonight, Ms. Connors. I hope you enjoy the rest of the meal. Direct the bill to me when it comes. My treat for your father’s birthday.” He turned and walked back to his table.

Dinner dragged on at a ridiculously slow pace. She nodded at Alex as she left before her family ordered dessert, using the excuse of the contract to get away early.

“Ms. Connors?” Alex called out.

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024