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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses 6)

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“It was horrible. He was in the kitchen talking about his latest golf game, and then leaned over the counter and fell to the floor. I tried to catch him.” Christine let out a hiccup in the middle of her sobbing. “I did, Mom. I promise.”

“Shut up. Don't talk to me. Worthless. Both of you.” Their mother turned on her heel and walked down the hall, leaving them standing there.

Christine started to cry harder, and as much as she didn't want to do it Jamie moved closer and pulled her into another hug.

“It's going to be fine. She's just upset over Dad.” Jamie glanced around, trying to find someone that she could ask some questions of. Her mom wasn't going to give up any information. She wasn't the sharing type.

“I know. I'm upset, too. I hope he's okay. He's the only good man in the world.” Christine pulled back and dropped down in a chair, crying louder than she needed to.

Jamie pressed her teeth into her bottom lip and pulled out her phone. “I'm going to step outside for a minute to call Alex. I'll be right back.”

“Don't leave me here alone.” Christine glanced up with panic on her pretty face.

“Just sit here and chill out. It's going to be okay. I'll be right back. I promise.” She touched her sister’s shoulder. There was no way she would ever let herself get emotionally invested in her mother or sister again. They were vipers with manipulation powers like nothing Jamie had ever seen. She wouldn't be falling for their shit ever again.

Sadness rolled through her as she walked back out into the cool night air. Over Christmas things seemed to be changing, to be getting better, but it was a façade, a ruse. Her sister was hurting over fighting with Stephen, and her mother was grateful for getting back together with Jamie's dad. It had nothing to do with either of them turning a new leaf, or being better people.

They were in need of attention, and knew just what to do in order to get it.

“Alex?” Jamie spoke before he could.

“Where are you, baby? You still up?” A twinge of panic laced his sexy voice.

“I'm at the hospital with my family. My dad's had a heart attack, or that's what my mother is telling me anyway. I've yet to talk to anyone with sense in their heads, so I don't know.”

“Oh no. That's horrible. Let me lock up and I'll head that way.”

“No. You don't need to.” She pressed her fingers to her eyes as tears blurred her vision. The numbness was subsiding and fear caged her for a few minutes. Her dad was the only good thing about her family. Without him, there would be nothing left to hold on to. They would be over. Done.

“Jamie. You're my wife. I'm not letting you sit at the hospital by yourself, honey. I'm heading up there. I'll find you in the ER.”

She sniffled. “Okay. Hurry.”

“Of course. It's going to be okay. Your dad is a strong guy. Just hang in there.”

She nodded and dropped the call as tears rolled down her cheeks. She wasn't the type to freak out and throw a dramatic fit, but finding a quiet

place to cry sounded like a good idea.

“He's going into surgery in ten minutes.” Her mother's voice broke. Jamie turned in time to see her mom press her hands to her face and let out a short sob a few feet behind her. “I can't lose him. No one else will put up with me.”

Jamie stifled her comment and moved to wrap her mom in a tight hug. “He's going to be okay. He'll pull through this. He's the toughest guy I know, Mom.”

Her mom nodded and continued to cry until Christine joined them. Jamie moved back to let the two of them hug and cry together.

“I'm going to find a bathroom. I'll be right back. Alex should be here any minute, too.” Jamie turned and walked down the hall, taking note of the sounds and smells which only dragged her deeper into worry. She hated hospitals and had been at or in one far too much lately. It seemed that becoming the wife of a billionaire who was in the media’s eye at all times wasn't going to be a quiet life, but one filled with twists and turns every minute. The thought of having to keep up left her weary.

She stopped by the nurses’ desk on her way back and gave the nurse working at one of the many computers a quick smile. “Hi. My dad got brought in here tonight with a heart attack. How long is the surgery that he's going to undergo? His name is David Connors.”

“Let me check for you, sweetie.” The woman turned and it seemed to take forever to pull up the information. By the time she turned back, Jamie was antsy to get back to the lobby. Leaving her mom and sister with Alex wasn't a good idea at all. They were needy for attention, and he wasn't the one Jamie wanted giving it to them. They were bad enough as it was.

“It's about a four-hour surgery if everything goes well.” The lady shook her head. “Looks like he’s very lucky.”

“What do you mean?”

“It's the widow-maker vein that was clogged. Getting him here when you did saved his life.”

Wow. Is that professional to say. “Uh, thank you.” Jamie nodded.

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