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Wife to the Boss (Managing the Bosses 6)

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The nurse stared at her a moment before covering her mouth with her hand. “I’m so sorry! I was speaking with your, uh, mother, a few moments ago. She referred to it as that. I assumed... I am so sorry.”

Jamie could just imagine what her mother had been saying. “It’s okay.” She walked back to the lobby to find her sister clinging to Alex. He gave her an apologetic look and broke free.

“You okay, Jamie?” He pulled her into a tight hug and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I am now.” She snuggled against him, finding home in his arms.

Chapter 7

Jamie forced Alex to leave around three in the morning. There had been a slight complication with the surgery, and it would be another hour. Alex fought against her at first, but finally nodded and headed home.

She slumped down in the chair next to her sleeping sister, and watched her mother pace the floor. The older woman hadn't stopped patrolling all night long. Whereas she was a mean, unruly bitch to everyone else, Jamie got the clear picture of her feelings toward Jamie's dad. She loved him. It was a good thing, too. She was a bitch to him most days of the week along with everyone else. Maybe there were parts of their relationship that Jamie didn't see, because even with all her faults Jamie's dad seemed to love her, too.

“I can't believe this is happening.” Her mom ran her fingers through her hair before wrapping her arms tightly around herself. “I told him a million times that we needed to start exercising together. To start playing tennis together again or something.” She paused and let out a long sigh. “Are you even listening to me?”

“I sure am, Mom,” Jamie half-whispered as her eyes grew heavy. “I was just thinking about how much you love dad.”

“I do. I love him with everything I have.” She groaned and started to pace again. “This is taking entirely too long. I'm close to getting someone and chewing their ass off.”

“Well, don't. That's not going to do us any favors. Just let them take care of Dad, and when they know something they'll come and tell us.” Jamie stood up and yawned loudly. “Come sit down and rest.”

“You need to go home and get some sleep. I already warned you about taking care of that baby”!” Her mom barked at her as she walked over and dropped down into a chair. “Go home. Seriously.”

“I'm not going—”

“Mrs. Connors?” a voice resounded behind Jamie, and she jerked around as her mother jumped up from her chair.

“That's me.” She moved in front of Jamie, and it seemed as if someone had sucked all the air from the room.

The doctor gave them both a warm smile. “He did great. He's going to be in recovery for twelve hours, but then we'll move him to a room in ICU and you can see him then.”

“The surgery went good?” Her mother's voice shook slightly.

“It did. He's a strong man. You should think about going home and getting some rest.” The doctor turned his attention from Jamie's mom to her. “Both of you. You won't get to see him until three or four this afternoon. Twelve hours.”

“I'm not going anywhere.” Jamie's mom turned and walked back to the row of chairs, dropping down into one beside Christine, who was still sound asleep.

“Suit yourself.” The doctor nodded and turned, walking back down the hall.

“I'm going to go home to sleep a few hours. I'll be back after lunchtime.” Jamie turned to face her mom. “Do you need anything?”

“No. I feel much better. We'll see you when we see you.” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

“Alright. Call if you need anything.” Jamie picked up her purse and walked to the door. The need to say I love you, or better yet, to hear it from her mom nagged at her, but it wasn't going to happen. It was rare for them to exchange any sort of pleasantries, and if they didn't much like each other, then loving one another was asking too much.

Jamie rolled down the windows and drove home, singing at the top of her lungs to stay awake. She barely made it into her bedroom, dropping down fully dressed and pulling the covers over the top of her.

Alex was gone already. The smell of his cologne lingered in the room, and it alone had the ability to send her off into exotically delicious dreams.


She woke a few hours later, drowsy and crabby from not enough sleep. After making a pot of coffee, she had a quick shower and a piece of dry toast. She spent a little time with Jake and made one more piece of toast. Alex was going to chew her ass for coming into the office after being up for most of the night, but she had four hours before she needed to be back at the hospital, and mulling around at the house alone was out. It would only leave her to her thoughts.

No thanks.

She got to the office in record time, and walked through security, trying to decide if she should stop and grab something better to eat. Everything sounded good but her stomach was sensitive, as if she were suffering a hangover. She had some granola bars in her office. That sounded safe.

“I wish,” she murmured and got onto the elevator.

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