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Fireblood (Fireblood 1)

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I wish there were a way to tell him the truth. If I confessed his father is to die at my hands, though, I fear the same darkness that is in Hart would consume the prince. If the Taken are to be freed, Sebastian has to trust me; he can never know the complete truth. It’s an impossible situation, and one that I haven’t found a solution to yet.

If he would only acknowledge the evil in his father and give me a hint he wishes him gone, then I could act, but he loves and respects his father too dearly. I’ve thought of unmasking the truth of Outside to him, in hopes he’d see that his father needs to be eliminated, but that may in fact have the opposite effect, turning him against me and pushing him closer to King Hart.

My thoughts have come full circle, and I’m back to the Rebels’ plan. Swaying Sebastian to join us after his father is no longer an influence—and he’s no longer trying to prove himself to the king as a strong leader—is the best approach.

When I think of my father and all the others Outside, laboring, mindless slaves to be slaughtered by cannibals, I know I can’t risk Sebastian discovering the truth. No matter how much the guilt eats at me.

As Devlan and I enter the hall, we pass citizens waiting in line to greet the prince. Since Sebastian undertook the tournament as his personal project, Karm adores him all the more. They see what I see in him: a chance for change. King Hart has been silent all this time, hidden away, most likely watching his realm change slowly. The televised punishments have ceased, the Force no longer walk the streets instilling fear, and all their orders come from Sebastian.

And we work silently and cleverly, behind the scenes, ensuring that our mission unfolds seamlessly.

How long will Hart allow his son to entertain his visions before he reveals the truth to him? Hart probably has no fear that his son will take over Karm in the way he intends.

The early-morning sun filters through the stained-glass windows, casting the room in rich hues. I find Sebastian seated in the lone pew at the head of the hall. Devlan and I make our way over, and once I’m seated, I turn toward Sebastian and raise my eyebrows. “Is there something I should know?”

His lips spread into a wide, knowing smile. “All will be revealed shortly,” he says, then waves away the gathered citizens before he kisses the top of my hand.

I shake my head lightly, happy to see him so excited, and figure it’s something about the tournament. I have to admit, since he’s taken it on, he’s less vain. Maybe not less cocky, but less narcissistic, now that his focus is on a big project.

His eyes drink me in a moment longer, his smile stretching. Devlan rounds the pew to take his station at the end of our row and Sebastian’s smile fades. His eyes trail after his first knight. Ever since the day in Town Square, when the crazed man threatened me, something has changed between them.

I’ve asked Devlan what could’ve possibly happened to make Sebastian turn so cold toward the knight he elevated because he wanted to rekindle a friendship. But Devlan denies that there is anything to be concerned with, claiming that nothing has changed between them.

I study Sebastian now. His face is pinched, his form tense. There is something very apparent between them. I remember the crazed man, me being frightened and clinging to Devlan in my fear, and Sebastian’s hands on my shoulders, trying to lead me away from the scene. Does Sebastian take offense that I didn’t turn to him for protection or comfort? It wasn’t as if it was a conscious decision. Devlan was there—the closest to me when I reached out. That is all.

Although, maybe Sebastian doesn’t see it that way. If he doesn’t, then wouldn’t he have removed the first knight as my personal guard?

The friar takes his position behind the altar and raises his hands. “Citizens of Karm, thank you for joining us early on this Sabbath day.” His eyes search the crowd. He is about to ask again if anyone believes Sebastian and I should not be united. I have no fear of anyone denouncing it.

He pushes the sleeves of his robe up and continues. “It’s an honor to announce that King Hart has a special address for his subjects before the crying of the banns.”

Fear grips my chest, and I turn to see a stoic Sebastian. A smile flits across his lips, and I force my lips to return it. He knew his father was to speak today. But about what? My skin slicks with sweat, and I now doubt the surprise has anything to do with the tournament.

The monitor along th

e back of the wall flickers and crackles.

I try to sit up straight, and look directly at the screen. Someday soon I’ll confront King Hart face to face, so I brace myself to be strong. I won’t allow him to intimidate me as he did during the betrothal. I envision my father in the pitch black of Outside, his face dirty and his eyes lost, and anger replaces the knots in my stomach.

King Hart’s pale face appears on the monitor. I force my breathing to steady as his cold eyes scan the hall. “Greetings, citizens. Thank you for coming together in praise of our Lord, and to hear the banns for our future king and his queen.” He pauses, smiles. “I could not be prouder of the fine job my son has accomplished in his endeavors to make this year’s tournament the best ever. And because the last day of the tournament is always the most prestigious, I want to make it an even grander occasion.”

A chill works its way down my spine. The tense knots are back, and I look to Sebastian for clarity. His face only reveals pride. He’s devouring all the praise his father is lavishing on him, and he knows already what is coming.

“I know the marriage ceremony between Prince Sebastian and Princess Zara was to take place over a month from now,” Hart says, then pauses for effect. “But I want the occasion to be truly memorable. The wedding is to be held on the last day of the tournament.”

An awed response sounds through the hall.

My stomach plummets, free-fall. My airways seal tight, and I lean forward and gasp air into my lungs. My eyes flick to Devlan before I can think better. He’s unmoved, mask in place, and that snaps me back into my senses.

Hart continues. “It will be the finest day in all of Karm!”

Applause booms, and the air is sucked from the room. I straighten my spine and force a smile. I can’t meet Hart’s eyes. I can’t look at the excited expressions on the citizen’s faces. I focus on the altar—something to center the spinning room.

“Prince Sebastian will be crowned King the following day. Karm will bask in a new era and its continued longevity as the leading realm in all the world.”

The crowds bound to their feet. Their echoed shouts and joyous applause pierce my nerves. I have no choice but to join them as Sebastian rises from the pew and turns to acknowledge their praise. He kisses my cheek, his eyes lit with excitement, then turns toward the monitor and bows to his father.

My limbs tremble, but I face the screen and bow low before lifting my head to stare into King Hart’s piercing gray eyes. They seem to stare, hard and cold, right back at me.

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