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Fireblood (Fireblood 1)

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He knows.


“How can you be sure Hart doesn’t know?” I ask Devlan, taking a seat on the log. The meadow is dark and the chilly air pervades my bones, sinking Hart’s announcement deeper into my being.

Devlan crosses his arms over his chest and faces me. “Hart has moved up the marriage ceremony at the request of Sebastian,” he says, his brows furrowed. “This has nothing to do with him suspecting an attack.”

“How can you be so positive?”

He releases a heavy sigh and walks the river bank. Devlan’s lack of response infuriates me almost as much as the smug look Sebastian wore all day.

Shaking my head again, I look down at my black pants, run my palm over my thigh. We’re anxiously waiting for Fallon to meet us, and Xander awaits her just as anxiously as he lurks near the woods, keeping watch. Larkin remains at the castle, making sure we get in and out of the court grounds undetected. We’ve trusted him all this time to do so, and so far he hasn’t given Devlan a reason not to. I’m still unconvinced of his loyalties, but I have no choice if I’m to continue my training, for however long I may have.

Everyone is in an uproar as to what should be done. The wedding date being moved up means the mission is moved up. We have little time left.

I have little time left.

All day, my mind has been a muddle of conspiracy theories. The only reason for King Hart to move up the wedding is because he suspects the Rebels are up to something, and somehow crowning Sebastian as king sooner will halt our efforts. It’s the only logical explanation.

Hart wants Sebastian—a stronger, unconfined leader—to take out the Rebels.

I kick at a rock on the ground. “Devlan, I’m going mad. I had over a month left to train, and now I may only have a week.” I walk up to him. Stand right before him. “I demand to know what your brain is deducing of this.”

“Is that an order, princess?”

I scowl.

He groans and glances at Xander, then takes my arm and leads me farther into the woods. When we’re out of earshot, he stops and faces me. “This has nothing to do with Hart suspecting anything. Sebastian fears your affections are for another. He wants to ensure you are his wife soon.” His brow creases. “That’s all.”

“Ridiculous.” I look to the moon peeking through the treetops before meeting his eyes again. “All this because Sebastian fears I have fallen for someone else?” He nods once, and I scoff. “And just who does he fear I have eyes for?” I ask, but the answer had already wormed its way into my mind earlier today.

Devlan stares into my eyes. “I’ve been removed as your personal guard.”

My mouth parts, and I’m about to deny it—my mind already working to remedy the situation—but he continues past the uncomfortable silence. “So. There it is. Hart knows nothing. Though that doesn’t change the predicament we’re in. We’ve argued when the right time to commence the mission would be, and now it looks as if that’s been determined for us.”

“Devlan,” I say his name calmly. “If you believe Sebastian’s paranoia over my affections is the only reason, then nothing has changed. I’ve been insisting we should do the mission sooner. Maybe not so soon as a week…” I cringe. “But it’s all right. We’ll wait until Fallon and you think I’m ready.”

His face sets hard, determined. “No. Something else can

be done—”

I place my finger over his lips, halting what I’m sure will be a rant, then slowly lower my hand. “This does not change the mission. It will proceed on as planned.”

His lips twist into a stubborn frown. “Regardless, Zara, this adds another complication.” I raise my eyebrows. “Sebastian will be made king. Hart will take him into his confidence after he’s crowned. If we wait, we’ll no longer be eliminating only Hart.”

He’s right. No matter what Sebastian wants for Karm—his dreams, his visions—all will be lost when his father reveals his wishes for him to take over Outside. Even if Sebastian tries to fight it, in the end, Hart will find a way to force his son into submission. He is that evil.

If I want to save my father and all those Outside, along with Sebastian as well, I have no choice but to meet Hart before the ceremony. I will not put my dagger to Sebastian’s throat. I will not kill Devlan’s friend, no matter the bad blood between them, and allow Devlan to live with the guilt.

“Fine. I wanted the mission to take place sooner.” I finally meet his eyes and suck in a deep breath. “I’ll train harder this week. You’ll teach me all that you know, and I’ll make Sebastian take me to Hart.” I glare at him. “On the last day of the tournament.”


“No more.” I shake my head. “I’ve made my decision.” I stalk toward the river bank before he can see the tears glistening in my eyes. If I’m to be strong and fearless, I can’t allow the Rebel first knight to see my fear.

A rustling calls our attention toward the forest, and Fallon and Silas step from behind the treeline, the moonlight bathing them in a haunting glow.

Xander and Fallon spot each other, and they look at one another only a moment before they rush into each other’s arms. Xander pulls back slightly, running his hands along her face. A tiny seam in my heart tears as he pulls her to him, his lips caressing hers passionately. I’ve never witnessed—nor felt—that kind of love, and my heart swells with renewed commitment to complete the mission for their sake.

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