Kitty Kitty (Souls Chapel Revenants MC 5) - Page 61

Facing them, watching them watch us, was a whole lot more intimidating than it had been with my back to them.

I slammed my eyes shut and then threw my head back and groaned when he started to really fuck me.

The idea of them watching us, of seeing anything at all, was driving me higher and higher until I was ready to explode.

But, like always, the man inside me knew how to work me perfectly.

Knew exactly what to do to make my body play to only his tune.

Meaning I didn’t come until he wanted me to come.

Which eventually came long minutes later when his finger started to thrum my clit.

“Jesus Christ,” he hissed when I started to tighten around him.

My orgasm was imminent.

There would be no coming back from it.

I’d surely die right in his arms.

And I did moments later when he pinched my clit hard, sending me skyrocketing over the edge into oblivion.

“Son of a bitch!” he groaned as he too started to come.

Normally I loved feeling the sensation of him coming, filling me up, but this time I was too busy trying to find the will to breathe.

Too caught up in what he was making me feel to worry about what he was doing.

And by the time I came around long moments later, only being held up by his hands on my hips and my forehead on his desk, he was finished and chuckling softly.

“You don’t really think they could see, do you?” I whispered before sitting up.

“No,” he lied. “They couldn’t see a thing.”

It was only as we were dressed and heading out of his office that I asked the question.

“What are you going to do?” I asked softly.

He shook his head. “I lost my chance. When I said I was full today, I fully expected a friend—at least he was a friend when I was in the military—to help her. I’d heard he was in the area and running an investigations business. I thought for sure he’d be able to help. But when he heard from her that I was the one who sent her, he refused to help and sent her on her way. Defeated, she’d gone home because she’d already been ‘gone too long’ for the day.”

I frowned hard. “Where does she live? What about a friendly couple of drive-bys?”

He pulled up Google Maps and showed me exactly where the woman lived.

I frowned. “Isn’t that right next to Zach’s place?”

Sin perked up. “Fuck yeah it is.”

“Then suggest to him to keep an eye out.”

And that was exactly what he did.


Dammit boy.

-something I say at least two times a day and probably shouldn’t


The blare of an alarm sounded, and I jolted upward in surprise and stared at the room with unseeing eyes.

It took me a few seconds to realize that I’d been in a deep sleep, and something not normal had woken me.

The obnoxious, blaring sound filled the air again, and I saw out of the corner of my eye that it was Blaise’s phone vibrating and lighting up on the corner of the nightstand.

“What the absolute hell is that?” I groaned.

Just as I asked what it was, my own phone started to emit the same sound. Then Blaise’s watch that was charging on the floor entered the game.

Snowball ran out of the room like the sound had offended him in some way.

“What the absolute hell is going on?” I grumbled as we reached in unison for our phones.

It took me a few long seconds to see what it said.

“Amber Alert,” Blaise whispered, sitting up in bed. “A little girl from our area went missing. Black sedan. Caucasian female was seen leaving a diner with her where she was eating with her parents.”

Just as I silenced the Amber Alert, another alert filled my phone, this one a text message from Lynn.

Lynn: Meet at my house ASAP. Got another one.

“Shit,” I said, throwing off the comforter that was covering both Blaise and I and getting up. “Let’s go.”

She got up right alongside me, and together we rushed to get ready. Except, just as she was getting her shoes on, she slammed her hand over her mouth and rushed to the bathroom with one sock on.

That’s when I heard her throwing up.

I finished getting us ready to go, then waited as I watched her empty her stomach until there was nothing left but bile, then lean back on her heels.

“Sorry,” she said as she wiped her face on the towel that was next to the sink. “Shit, that is awful.”

My lips twitched as I walked over to her to help her stand.

Her face was clammy, and she was staring at me with a green tint to her face.

“Do you want to stay here?” I asked cautiously.

She shook her head. “I can puke in a trash can as well as I can in a toilet.”

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Souls Chapel Revenants MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024