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Risk (The Men of Matiz 1)

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"We'll just pull an all-nighter." Her eyes drop to my wrist. "Jesus. Is that a Rolex? How much are you worth?"

"This? A Rolex?" I tap the face of my watch, one of the three Rolex watches I own. "I wish. I got this from a guy working a street fair in Toledo. It keeps time, but the rash it gives me rivals the one on my dick."

"What?" she asks tightly. "You have a rash on your dick?"

I nod. "That's what my doc says it is. He doesn't think it's contagious. My ex-wife disagrees."

"She has the rash too?"

If I actually had an ex-wife, she'd be rash free, just as I am. I'm clean as a whistle and have the monthly test results to prove it. "She's got the rash, the open sores and the non-stop itching. At least, that's what she claims in her lawsuit."

She takes a step back. "She's suing you over the rash?"

I reach down and scratch my dick through my pants, shifting from one foot to the other. "She has to prove I gave it to her. Since my doc says my rash isn't contagious, she can't win."

Her attention is laser focused on the movement of my right hand. "I forgot that I need to give my dog a bath. He needs a good scrub. I'll go home now and do that."

I stop scratching and raise my hand to her shoulder. "I'll help."

Tension tightens her body. She looks at my hand, panic chasing away anything else in her expression. "No. You can't help."

"Why not?"

"He'll bite you?"

"Is that a question?" I quirk a brow. "Dogs love me. What kind of dog is it?"

She retreats so quickly she bumps into a woman walking behind her. "He's a really big dog. You know the kind with the floppy ears and the long nose."

I force back a smile. "What's the name of your big dog, Lacy?"

Her eyes search mine as she scrambles to think of a name, any name that will give her the out she needs to get away from me and what she thinks is my rash covered cock. "Lacy."

"Your male dog is named Lacy?" I ask as she slowly backs away from me.

"That's right. Yes," she calls with a brisk wave of her hand. "He's named after me."

With that, she turns and sprints to a run, racing to the nearest exit. I adjust my suit jacket, smooth my hand over my hair and walk over to where Ellie is still talking to Crew.

Chapter 7


What the hell crawled up Nolan Black's ass?

The man was doing everything in his power to dissuade his business partner from hiring me. You'd think after what I did in Meadow Grill that he'd want me on his team.

He was there when I took Jerry to the floor for touching that woman, yet Nolan seems completely unfazed by my drive to do what's right.

After hearing Crew tell me about the job at Matiz, I know I'm a perfect fit. I would do the job well and make the company proud. They're one of the most recognized makeup brands in the United States and also one of the most expensive. It's not my ultimate dream job, but I'll happily take it.

While Nolan was talking to Lacy, Crew explained that the biggest challenge they currently face is theft, by customers and employees. I have the skills and knowledge they need to halt that in its tracks. I conveyed some of that to Crew, but I know he's already on board with hiring me. It's Nolan that I need to convince and I sense that he's the one with the final word.

"Where's your date?" Crew chuckles as Nolan approaches us alone. Lacy is nowhere in sight. "Are you two kids calling it a night? Don't be too loud. My room is next to yours, remember?"

I dip my chin to veil the smile on my mouth.

"Fuck you, Crew," Nolan barks back with a chuckle. "Lacy had to go. She needs to wash her dog."

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