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Risk (The Men of Matiz 1)

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"She's allergic," I point out. "Pet dander, strawberries, shellfish and soy, I think."

"Either Lacy overshares, or you have too much

time on your hands if you're gathering useless intel like that." Crew smirks. "I'm all for having some shit to hang over your co-workers' heads for leverage, but that's information no one needs or wants."

I laugh. "No. Lacy told me. She told everyone when she ate a piece of birthday cake in the staff room and broke out in hives."

"Forget about Lacy and her allergies," Crew says dryly. "Let's get back to business, Ellie."

"Business," I repeat, my gaze darting to where Adley is leaning against a pillar. She's been waiting patiently for me, and I'm eager to get back to her.

I'm moving back to New York whether this job at Matiz works out or not. If there was ever a reason for the two of us to celebrate, this is it. The difference between now and an hour ago is that we're going to pick up a bottle of cheap champagne and toast to our reunion in my apartment while I pack instead of ordering expensive cocktails in Shade.

Nolan clears his throat. "You should get back to your friend. Crew and I will discuss the job and let you know."

I'm pissed. I know Nolan can sense that. I want this job, and right now, I feel like the only thing standing between me and my future as a Matiz employee is him. It's time to revise my approach.

I extend my right hand. Call it an olive branch, if you will. That's how I want Nolan to see it. "Thank you for even considering me for this job, Mr. Black. I appreciate it more than you know."

He looks down before he reaches forward with his hands. He softly wraps my hand in both of his. "I'd prefer if you called me Nolan. Please don't take my hesitation about giving you the job personally."

How could I not? He's essentially discounting me for no good reason.

I smile through that thought as I place my left hand on top of our still joined hands. I slide my gaze up to his face. His eyes search mine, looking for something there. I don't know what it is, but from the urgency in his expression, I don't think he's finding it.

"If I owned a company like Matiz," I begin before I sigh, heavily. "I know that if I was the owner of such a huge organization, that I would be very cautious when it came to hiring anyone. You can't be too careful these days. It's impossible to know who to trust."

He nods slowly, his dark brows pinch together as he looks into my eyes again. "Our ideal candidate will have the experience to spot a potential shoplifter immediately so the security staff can be vigilant about subtly watching their every move. Primarily, we're looking for someone who can think like a thief, so they're always one step ahead. That's a level of insight I'm not sure you possess."

"I understand," I mutter even though I don't understand. I called out the woman he was having dinner with after she stole a wallet just a few feet away from him. No one else in the restaurant, including the wallet's owner, realized what was happening. If that's not insight and experience, what the hell is?

"We'll discuss your qualifications and Crew will let you know either way in a few days."

I pull back. The tug is enough that Nolan releases my hands. I clasp them together in front of me. "I'll look forward to that call."

"We're heading into the club. There's room at our table if you'd like to join us." Crew motions toward the VIP entrance of Shade. Why doesn't that surprise me? When they checked into the hotel, they would have been granted all access to Shade. That's what money buys here in Vegas, among many other things.

"Thank you for the offer, but I can't. I need to give a witness statement to the police regarding Jerry and then I'm going to hang out with my friend at home."

"I'll be in touch." Crew nods as his hands dive into the front pockets of his pants. "Have a good night, Ellie."

"You too," I shoot back quickly.

"We will." Nolan's voice lowers. "Goodbye, Ellie."

I offer a sweet smile that is masking something sinister and then I wait.

They both pivot on their heels and take a step toward the club's entrance.

Then another step.

Crew stops to talk to a brunette with a short bob and an equally short dress.

Nolan continues on.

On Nolan's sixth step I finally unclench my hands. "Hey, Nolan Black. Turn around."

He turns instantly at the sound of my voice.

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