Obsessed: Part 3 - Page 3

"It's not enough." I pull a deep breath from my lungs. It's only been two days since I saw the video of Jax and Brooke. I've been teetering on the edge of an emotional abyss since that moment and I'm going to do everything in my power to pull myself back from that ledge. The dozens of calls and texts from Jax that I've ignored haven't helped. "I want Mark to make me an offer."

"The deal's been finalized." He leans back in his office chair, gripping his hands on the armrests. "Why would we bring Mark in now?"

"He should have a chance to buy my shares." I uncross my legs and stand. "I don't care who owns the company. I just want to get as much out of this as I can."

He turns in his chair to follow me to the bank of windows. "You're saying you're willing to sell your shares to Mark if he offers you more than Jax?"

"Yes." I lean against the windowsill. "I just want the best possible deal so I can start a new life in Boston."

"Ivy. What the hell is going on?" He stands now wrenching his hands together. "You're not telling me everything."

"I'm the pawn in an ugly and bitter war between Jax and Mark." I bite my lip trying to pluck the last bit of remaining strength I have from within me. "Neither of them cared about me. Why should I care who wins their battle?"

He studies my expression. His eyes scan mine looking for a clue. I know he's searching for any hint that may explain my hasty decision to involve Mark.

"You can contact Mark's attorney, can't you and find out if he's interested?" My gaze falls to the floor. I want to get through this meeting without the humiliation of having to admit I have a flash drive in my purse that contains a near naked confession from Jax admitting he and his lover tried to manipulate Mark's company away from him.

"Of course." He tilts his head to the side. "What about Veray? You were dead set on getting that away from Jax. Mark can't offer you that."

"I don't care about that anymore." I try to ground the words in sincerity but his expression speaks of his doubt. "You can tell Jax and his attorney I don't want it."

"Now, that I know is a bold faced lie." He taps the tip of his finger to my nose. "You're a lousy liar, Ivy. Why give up on Veray at this point?"

I pull back so I'm out of his reach. As charming as he is, I don't want the constant reminders that he views me as a child who can't make her own decisions. "I'm going to talk to Madeline today. With any luck I can reason with her and she'll release me from that exclusive contract she's been hanging over my head for years."

"And if that doesn't work?" He cocks an eyebrow. "Then what?"

"Then you'll sleep with her." I smirk as the words leave my lips.

He chokes on the swig of water he's just taken. "I'll what?" He coughs.

"All the woman ever talks about is how she can't get laid." I laugh as I reach for my purse. "She'd definitely release me from my contract if you made her happy in that way." I wink and pull up my shoulder.

"I've met the woman." He chuckles as he lowers his body back into his chair. "You can't pay me enough to touch that."

Chapter 2

"Ivy, how did you know I love this restaurant?" Madeline's voice carries over the buzz of the jam packed, Upper East Side bistro I've chosen for my mission to get released from my contract with her.

"Because they serve alcohol." Those are the words perched at the edge of my lips. "It just screamed your name to me," I say as she takes a seat across from me.

"I've never been. It's quaint." Her eyes subtly survey the room. I've known Madeline long enough to realize that if an attractive man is in the vicinity her focus won't be settled on me.

"I came once with Mark." I toss his name at her hoping she'll take the lure and shift her attention back to me.

"I called him, you know." She motions for one of the waiters who dashes over to the table. "Vodka soda. Ivy?"

"I'm fine." I nod towards the glass of lemon water I ordered when I arrived thirty minutes ago. Punctuality has never been Madeline's strength. "How did that go?" I press on, "was he interested?" I feign a smile while inside I'm seething. Talking about Mark ranks at the top of my list of things I like to do right next to thinking about Jax.

"I might have mentioned it to you when we lunched with Jax." She runs her eyes over the screen of her smartphone before placing it down on the table. "I don't know what Mark's problem is. Is he involved with someone?"

"I have no idea." I take a sip of the now tepid water. "We don't talk much."

"What exactly happened with you two?" She doesn't acknowledge the waiter at all as he places her drink down. "Rumor has it that he was sleeping with half of Manhattan."

I feel my face flush crimson. "There were other women involved, yes," I murmur.

"A man like that can't be tamed." She peers over the thick glass while she downs a generous mouthful.

Tags: Deborah Bladon Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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