His Dirty Bargain (Dirty Billionaires 3) - Page 2



I’m reviewing my transactions with satisfaction when my cell phone rings. It’s Dante, it’s also five minutes after seven.

“Hey old man, you haven’t forgotten dinner, have you? Are you on your way?”

I have, it’s only a fifteen-minute drive to his condo. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

“Damn, I owe Bethany a day at Lincoln Park because of you. She bet on you forgetting.”

I don’t bother responding. Hanging up on him, I call my driver to let him know I’m ready as I begin shutting down.

Only fifteen minutes later Dante is whining as soon as he opens the door. “Do you know how busy Lincoln Park gets on the weekends?”

Shrugging, I push past him as the asshole refuses to give me enough room to get through. I’m met by a large pile of fur moving as one. There are three cats, a large Great Pyrenees, and a small quivering tan chihuahua. One of the cats and the chihuahua are relatively new. After losing their grandmother cat, Maude, six months ago, almost two months ago they went to get a new cat and came out with a calico named Elvis and the chihuahua named Taco. Taco starts whining instantly and won’t stop jumping up on me. Dante laughs; from past experience, Taco won’t chill out until I pick him up. The first time I came over after they got him he was so scared of me he peed all over the place, then ran from me. After almost a half hour of Bethany cuddling him while letting me get closer and closer, he stopped fearing me. Once he allowed me to hold him, he’s demanded I hold him every time I come over. I scoop up the damn dog, he squirms to get even closer.

Bethany is leaning against the kitchen counter, then pushes away the moment she sees me. “Hey, Enzo.”

I nod to her then turn to Dante. “She needs to sit down.”

Dante’s eyes go wide. “Damn it, Bethany, I told you not to make a big deal out of dinner.” He picks her up and carries her into the dining room. “Enzo doesn’t care if you made the ravioli yourself or if you called in an order.”

I set Taco down, he immediately starts whining for me to hold him again. “No, go lay down.” With a whine he goes to settle in next to Mac on the floor. I go into the kitchen and wash my hands. I grab the ravioli and marinara and cheese bread.

“I’m fine, just a little tired. I was sitting all afternoon while I made the ravioli, it’s only the last half hour as I put everything together I’ve been on my feet. I used to be on my feet all day. A whole month of not working and I feel like I’m lazy, only I’m tired all the time.”

“You are not lazy, you’re growing a human being, for Christ’s sake. Even when you aren’t doing anything, you are doing something.” Dante’s frustration is clear as he brings in the manicotti with sausage and spinach.

“I guess. I’m feeling guilty, like some gold-digging trophy wife sitting on my ass at home. Half the time I don’t even cook; I wanted Enzo to have a nice dinner.” She narrows her eyes at me. “So you better eat a lot and like it.”

I can’t keep the smile off my face as hard as I try. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Did you see Dante? I got him to smile. I’m calling it my win for the week. Dante, grab a bottle of wine for you two.”

Shaking my head, I get up. “I don’t want wine.” I do, however, I also know she misses it greatl

y. “I will grab a sparkling water.”

Dante asks me to grab him one. I ask Bethany if she wants something. “I’m good.” She lifts a glass of cranberry juice. “I can’t drink sparkling , the kid hates carbonation. Dante said you’re going to look for a house?” I nod. “With Chloe as your agent.” She laughs. it’s not a mean laugh but it’s not quite nice either. “I would love to tag along for your search.”

I look to Dante, he shrugs. “Chloe is my best, the best, there’s a reason why I made her my VP. She’s professional, she’s sharp, has great instincts, and she often knows what clients want better than they do.”

Bethany chuckles. “She’s nothing short of awesome, I think. And she doesn’t like men, especially bossy ones like you.”

“I have no problem with lesbians, and if she doesn’t like bossy men then how does she work with Dante and Che?”

“Chloe’s not a lesbian, she just doesn’t like men.” Bethany shrugs. “She works with Dante and Che because after working for them for so long, she does like and trust them. For the few days you guys are going to be looking at houses, there’s no way she won’t think you’re a complete asshole. I love you to death, but you totally are. You’ve always straddled the line, but since the whole Sheila thing you crossed right over and stayed there. Now you’ll have to deal with a beautiful woman who is only putting up with you because she has to.”

I’m not concerned in the least. I nod at Dante. “Beautiful?”

Bethany rolls her eyes. “I swear, out of everything I said that’s all you care about? Yes, she’s beautiful. Chloe is a blend of different nationalities, her dad was half black and half Cuban, his father was from Haiti and his mother came from Havana. Her mom is white from Boston bluebloods. I’m jealous, she has the prettiest gray eyes. She says people think she’s Puerto Rican. She’s not too tall or too short and her body goes like this.” Bethany makes an hourglass motion. “To top it off she grew up in Milan, so she speaks Italian like a native and is completely the chic Italian woman personified. If she wasn’t so nice I’d hate her guts.”

Dante laughs. “I was worried you did before you even met her.”

“Hello? You were all ‘Chloe’s so intelligent’ and ‘Chloe’s so capable’ and ‘Chloe can handle any client and I wonder if when the time is right we might make her a partner.’ I totally hated her before I met her. When I met her and she’s all curvy and pretty the way you like them, I got hella worried. Until we had dinner, and it was clear she didn’t see you that way. Then we had lunch later and we got to talking. Her disdain for men rang clear as a bell. For a minute I did wonder if she was gay. But she’s not.”

“Funny how you caught on to her not liking men when it took years before I figured it out. She does a hell of a job hiding it. I never know how much she can’t stand working with a client until it’s completely done. Her debriefings when it’s all over are always interesting. When I try and tell her I don’t want her working with anyone who doesn’t deserve her time, she always says they might not deserve her time, but she wants their money. It’s her decision. I’ll admit I’m looking forward to hearing her debriefing after she finds you your place, Enzo.”

Tags: Fiona Murphy Dirty Billionaires Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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