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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“No. Nothing is okay.”

“Anything I can do to help?” Tabon asked.

“Take Stuart a beer so I can have a couple of minutes to get my shit together.”

“Not a problem.” Tabon grabbed two bottles from the fridge and left her and Ava alone with the baby.

“What is going on?” her sister asked.

“Striker is back.”


“That’s what I said. Maybe I didn’t say that exactly. I think I ask him what he was doing at the inn.”

“Wait. What?”

“Stuart was checking into the inn on Moonstone Beach, and Striker walked into the office at the same time.”

“I’m so confused.” Ava buckled Sam into the high chair. “Why was Stuart checking into the inn?”

“We aren’t…we haven’t…you know.”

“You’re kidding.”

Aine shook her head. “I don’t think he believes in sex before marriage, or maybe it’s just sex before two people love each other that he’s against.”


“It’s fine, Ava.”

“It’s weird is what it is.”

“I don’t have a problem with it.”

“That’s a problem in and of itself.”

Aine peered out to the deck. It looked like Stuart and Tabon were in the midst of a conversation. Thank God.

“Look, I don’t want to talk about it right now. We can talk more later after I take Stuart back. Who’s supposed to be here for dinner tonight?” Aine pulled out a chair and sat down. The stress from both Striker and Stuart being here—just being around Striker in general—was wreaking havoc on her stomach.

“You, Tabon, and me, and maybe Quinn and Mercer.” Ava pulled out the chair next to her. “Are you okay? You look kind of pale.”

“I think I’m giving myself an ulcer,” she said, rubbing her stomach.

Ava reached over and felt her forehead. “You might be getting sick. What are your symptoms?”

“My stomach hurts. Otherwise, I feel fine.”

“How long has it hurt?”

“I don’t know, Doctor Ava, maybe since Striker decided to show up.”

Her sister rolled her eyes. “You can’t let this make you sick, Aine. Maybe you should try meditating.”

“I meditate every time I go for a run.”

“I don’t think it’s helping.”

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