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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“Can we get back to what we were talking about before?”

“I don’t remember what that was.”

“I think I was about to say that maybe I’ll get lucky and I won’t run into Striker again before Stuart goes back to Yachats.”

“Uh oh,” said Ava, standing and looking out the window.

“What? Don’t tell me. He’s here, isn’t he?”

Her sister nodded.


Ava shrugged. “I don’t know. What are you going to do?”

“I can see if Stuart wants to go out for dinner tonight, you know, just the two of us.”

“If that’s your plan, you better get outside before my husband ruins it. You know how Tabon is. The more the merrier. He’s probably already asked him how he likes his steak.”

“You two eat an awful lot of steak.”

“Tabon eats a lot of steak. I fill up on the side dishes.”

“Why don’t you just tell him you don’t like to eat so much red meat?”

Ave rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Aine?”


“She goes for a run almost every day,” Aine heard Tabon say to Stuart as she joined them on the deck. “You should go with her tomorrow.”

“I’m not much of a runner.” Stuart rubbed his leg. “Plumber’s knee.”

Tabon turned when she closed the sliding door behind her. “I was just telling Stuart that it’s time for me to fire up the grill.”

“Oh, I was thinking we could go out tonight.”

“Friday night in Cambria? You’re kidding, right?”

Since Stuart wasn’t looking, Aine glared at Tabon.

“Sorry,” he mouthed.

“Saturday night is a better date night anyway,” said Stuart, turning around to look at her. “Come have a seat,” he added, motioning to the chair next to him.

“Where’s your wine?” he asked when she sat down.

“It’s right here,” said Striker, coming out the sliding door and setting a glass in front of her. “I’m Striker. We didn’t get a formal introduction earlier.” He held his hand out to Stuart.

“Stuart Anderson. Aine’s boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you, Stu.”

Aine was ready to wipe the damn smirk right off Striker’s face. What was he trying to do, intentionally ruin her relationship with Stuart?

“Got a minute, Razor?” he asked.

“Sure thing. Excuse us.”

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