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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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“You’re okay with it, right?”


Ava sighed. “Thank goodness.” She tapped the notepad in front of her with the end of her pen. “Are you sure Stuart isn’t coming?”

“Positive. The job at the Overleaf ended up being a broken water main. It’s surprising that the spa was the only area without water. He said it was bad enough that it should’ve affected the whole inn.”

Ava nodded, but Aine didn’t think she’d been listening. Broken water mains weren’t exactly hot topics of conversation—unless you were a plumber.

“I feel as though I’m forgetting someone.”

“What about Zary? Are she and Gunner coming?”

Ava shook her head. “I talked to her yesterday, and she said they’d definitely be here for Christmas, but they’re staying in Maryland with her mother and his for Thanksgiving.”

“I can’t wait to see Lia again.”

“I feel bad that we haven’t been back since she was born.”

Aine did too. Now that her sister mentioned it, she felt terrible.

“We’re lousy sisters,” Aine sighed.

“I feel like we should get on a plane right this minute.”

“Where you off to, Avarie? And are you takin’ me with you?” Tabon put his arm around her sister’s waist like he did so often.

“Nowhere,” she sighed. “I just wish Zary and Gunner were going to be here for Thanksgiving.”

“They are.”

“Wait. What?” asked Ava. “Yesterday she said they wouldn’t be.”

“I guess she changed her mind after she talked to you. They’re flying in Thursday morning.”

“I should make other arrangements for a place to stay,” murmured Aine.

“You can stay with us, although there’s still plenty of room next door,” Tabon told her.

“I couldn’t intrude on them.”

“Hello? She’s your sister as much as I am. Well, maybe not exactly.”

“About that, Zary wants you to call her when you have a minute,” Tabon told her.

“I’ll do that right now,” said Aine, handing Sam to him when the baby reached for his dad.

She went out on the deck to place the call; Zary answered on the first ring.

“We were just talking about how we can’t wait to see you and Lia again,” said Aine. “We’re so happy you and Gunner will be spending Thanksgiving with us.”

“That’s why I wanted to talk with you. Both my mother and Gunner’s mother want to come too. Is that too much?”

“Not at all. We’re excited to see them too.”

They talked about where everyone would sleep, and Aine assured Zary she could stay with Tabon and Ava, so there’d be plenty of room for her mother and Gunner’s.

“It’s your house, Zary,” Aine had said when her half-sister worried about asking her to move.

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