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Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)

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After they hung up, she stayed out on the deck. While the air was chilly, the sun was bright today and felt good on her skin.

It was hard to believe that a year ago, she and Striker were still just getting to know each other. The first time they were together had been right before Thanksgiving. She remembered being so nervous, especially about sex, but he’d not only reassured her, he made her feel as though she excited him in a way that no other woman ever had.

She wiped a tear from her cheek. She missed him so much. Not just the sex, even though it was otherworldly. She missed talking to him, spending time with him, just being near him. Every inch of her body longed to be next to his, to feel him hold her, kiss her, bring her pleasure and let her do the same for him. It wasn’t that she just longed for Griffin—not Striker—she ached for him, and that wasn’t fair to Stuart.

In the months after their breakup, she’d convinced herself she was over him, but now she realized she wasn’t even close. Until she could say she’d truly gotten past her relationship with Griffin, she couldn’t be with Stuart or any other man.

If he couldn’t come down on Saturday like he was planning, she’d make arrangements to fly up to Yachats early next week and end things with him. Stuart deserved to be told in person. She hated hearing about people breaking up over the phone, or worse, via text.

Her sister’s screech jarred Aine out of her seat. When she saw Penelope and Tara through the window, she ran inside, screaming like Ava had. Before she reached her two friends, Aine stopped in her tracks.

“What are you doing here?” she asked Stuart, who was standing behind them.

“Nice welcome for your boyfriend,” Tara said, poking her.

Aine hurried over and hugged him. “I’m surprised, that’s all. I thought you said you couldn’t make it.”

“I was able to get the water main fixed and then made arrangements with Benji to be on call. It’ll cost me if it doesn’t hold or he gets called in on something else, but I figured it was worth it.”

She smiled and rested her head on his chest when he put his arms around her. Stuart was a good man. Being with him reminded her of that. Breaking up with him just because she found herself missing Striker was silly.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” she said again, hugging him tighter.

“We were at the rental car counter, and Stuart overheard us give the agent our names. He introduced himself, and we offered him a ride so he wouldn’t have to rent a car too,” Tara told her after Aine had hugged her and Penelope. There was something about her tone of voice that didn’t sit right. She looked at Ava, who appeared to be thinking the same thing.

“That worked out well,” commented Tabon, stepping forward to hug both of the women and shake Stuart’s hand.

“So, where are we staying?” asked Tara.

With only three bedrooms in each side of the duplex, space was tight. Ava had told Aine she could stay with them, but maybe she should offer to let their friends stay here instead. Plus, Tabon’s mother, sister, and her two daughters and Monk were coming. Where would they stay? And what about Stuart? This was becoming a logistical nightmare. Why hadn’t she and Ava talked about this ahead of time?

Actually they had, now that she thought about it. She hadn’t planned to stay here, and there would’ve been two extra bedrooms next door if Zary and Gunner weren’t arriving on Thursday with both of their mothers.

“Tabon, can you check and see if the house down the road has been booked for the week?” Ava asked.

“Already did, and I have it reserved from Thursday to Sunday.”

“I can stay there with Tara and Pen,” Aine offered.

All eyes immediately settled on Stuart, who put his hands on Aine’s shoulders. “I was able to get a room at the same place I stayed last time.”

“Uh…okay,” murmured Aine. “We can talk about it later.”

Stuart nodded, but Aine could sense his discomfort was equal to hers.

“Who else is coming?” asked Tara. “Any hot guys I can hook up with?”

“Tara!” gasped Ava.

“Oh, please. Just because you’re an old married woman doesn’t mean the rest of us are.” Tara looked over at Aine. “What about that guy you were with at Ava and Tabon’s wedding?”

She’d thought she couldn’t be more uncomfortable a minute ago when Stuart mentioned the room he’d booked, as though he was suggesting she stay with him, but Tara’s interest in Striker mortified her. What could she say in response, though? Stuart’s hands were still gripping her shoulders.

“I don’t know about you, but I need to excuse myself from this conversation,” said Tabon, motioning with his head.

Stuart leaned

down and kissed Aine’s cheek before following her sister’s husband out of the room.

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