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Most Wanted (Love Slaves of the Alphas 1)

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Blayde spanked him twice more in rapid succession, and Ryan moaned softly. After quickly checking to make sure Ryan’s cock was still hard, he laid down two more hard slaps at the bottom of his ass, lifting Ryan off his feet, and then pulling him sharply back against his groin, grinding Ryan’s sweet ass into his by-now painful erection, and holding him up off his feet by one hand on his stomach and the other on his chest.

Ryan let his head fall back on Blayde’s shoulder, breathing rapidly and making soft, little whimpering sounds. “Are you going to be a good boy now?”

“Yes, Blayde,” he breathed softly.

Unable to stand it a moment longer, Blayde laid him gently face down on the bed and almost ripped off his clothes. He found the lube by the bed, and put a hand underneath Ryan again, not trusting his voice to speak. He nudged Ryan up to his knees and quickly spread lube over his little pink hole. “I’m going to make love to you, darling. ”

“Yes, please, Blayde,” Ryan answered, looking at him over his shoulder with a sexy, shy little smile that almost made Blayde come right then and there. Blayde took a deep breath and climbed onto the bed behind him, easing in one finger and sweeping it forward to find his prostate. He pressed gently against it and Ryan relaxed even more, groaning and opening for him. He bent down and bit down on Ryan’s beautiful pink ass-cheek, then licked away the sting. Another finger joined the first and Ryan began to rock back against him, urging him for more.

“You ready, baby?” Blayde nudged his cock into the crease of Ryan’s ass and found his target. Blayde was so hard and ready now he was leaking pre cum. He looked down at his large cock, as it thrustits way inside Ryan’s pink and white ass and groaned aloud. He eased his cock inside Ryan slowly and then slowly pulled out again. He took hold of Ryan’s cock and began to stroke it to the same rhythm. Blayde was consumed with passion and desire for his sweet mate who was squirming beneath him and panting hard now as he received pleasure from Blayde, who controlled his every move. If Ryan moved forward, he’d pull away from Blayde’s cock, and if he moved back, he’d lose the pleasure Blayde’s hand was giving him.

Blayde could sense his feelings of confusion as he hung there, unsure of what to do, then finally giving in and allowing his master to see to his pleasure. He could tell the exact moment of Ryan’s complete surrender, when his arms gave way and he sagged forward with a loud moan, accepting Blayde’s control and domination. With the next few strokes, Ryan came explosively, screaming out his pleasure, and Blayde followed him in seconds, emptying his balls into his mate’s ass, and keeping him impaled there at the end of his cock until his shuddering climax ended. Reluctantly, he pulled out then and let Ryan fall to the bed, and he fell down beside him, putting his leg over Ryan possessively and pulling him close.

When he could talk again, he put his hand on Ryan’s cheek and stroked it softly until Ryan opened his eyes and gazed at him with big pupils, blown with pleasure. “From now on, sweetheart, I will have to administer your discipline more frequently. I can see I’ve let you go far too long. ”

Ryan’s lips curved into a sleepy smile as his eyelids lowered. “Mm, yes, Blayde. I think I need a lot more of your attention in the future. ”

“Well, baby,” Blayde said softly. ?

??I’m not sure if you’ve really learned your lesson. Before we get to the embassy, I may need to teach you a bit more about how good mates should act. Let me rest a moment,and we’ll continue. ”

* * * * “No, Blayde, I’m sorry,I’m not trying to be difficult, really, but it’s just not good enough!” Ryan shook his head firmly and folded his arms across his chest. They were in their rooms at the sprawling Lycan embassy complex, located in the heart of New Washington on Earth. They had arrived two days before, their small delegation consisting of Ryan and Blayde, Kyle and Nikolai. Lucas had stayed behind on Lycanus 3, with pressing concerns at the mining operation, but he had been in contact with the Lycan ambassador through holo-cam on and off for the past two days. Blayde had just come from a meeting with the ambassador and presented Ryan with the latest news about their negotiations.

“Ryan, b e reasonable. The agreement Lucas has hammered out with the ambassador is very reasonable, and quite beneficial to us, I might add. Did you understand they are prepared to give you asylum on Lycanus and Lycanus 3, and the Alliance won’t dare violate that? We won’t even have to move!You’ll be safe now, sweetheart, and they won’t be able to touch you without starting a nasty intergalactic incident. Once the Alliance finds out about the agreement, they won’t dare start anything. ”

“But what about the judge? Doesn’t anything happen to him? He murdered my friend, Blayde. He could do the same to someone else if we don’t stop him! Besides, that means I can’t ever leave the planet to accompany you on your tripsunless it’s to Lycanus!We’ll be just like that Gunnar and Ivan!”

“ Once we notify the Alliance about this, Judge Partland will know, Ryan. He’ll be far more circumspect in the future. And as for traveling, I’ll just stay on Lycanus 3 and help out with the mines. I won’t leave you, baby. ”

“You’d hate that! And as for the judge, what difference will it make if he knows we’re onto him?He’ll hide the bodies a little better next time?” Ryan ran his hand through his hair, just beginning to grow back in. Hedidn’t mind the golden curls, though his short hair had been much less trouble, but Blayde wouldn’t allow him to cut it, and had, in fact, threatened him severely if he so much as touched it with the scissors. He’d had to resort to time-outs and threats, because Ryan enjoyed the spankings way too much, especially since they almost always ended with sex.

“ Baby, he’s a very powerful and arrogant man. We’ll only be able to do so much to threaten him. The Alliance refuses to reopen the investigation into your friend’s death. ”

Ryan began to pace around the luxurious room they’d put them in. He was wearing a leather thong, like the other mates in the embassy. He’d decided on his own to wear one while they were in the embassy, or at least alone in their rooms. He did it both to please Blayde and to drive him crazy. As he paced upand down, he felt Blayde’s warm gaze on his fully exposed ass. “What if we somehow trapped him into a confession?If we went to see him, he wouldn’t be able to resist bragging about it, Blayde. I know how arrogant and above the law he thinks he is. I could goad him into a confession, and then we could take that to the police. ”

“Ryan, be realistic. We’re never going to trap him into a confession, because we’re never going to be allowed in to see him. And maybe I didn’t make myself clear, you’ll have asylum in Lycanus and its domains. Not on Earth. You step outside this embassy and you run the risk of being recognized and arrested. Once we notify the Alliance, the embassy will secure safe passage back to our ship for you, but that’s it. ”

“But wait, before the Lycans notify the Alliance, what if we could trap the judge? Sort of like you did with me at the auction? You know, like a sting. You offer him a chance at a new submissive,one he’s wanted to be with for a long time. Me!I don’t think he could resist even for a moment. He knows you’re a bounty hunter and a voyager. Many of them will do anything for a larger profit. You could tell him you faked my death only to extort more profit from him. That you’ll turn me over to him if he gives you a large sum of money. He’d believe that, Blayde! Then I could goad him into a confession of some kind. I could have a recording chip placed in me to pick it all up. When we have his confession, you could come in and get me. What do you think?”

“You don’t even want to know what I think! Of all the harebrained, ridiculous schemes I’ve ever had the misfortune of hearing…” Blayde came over to stop his pacing and take him by the arms. “You’ll go nowhere near that maniac, do I make myself clear? If I have to tie you to this bed until we leave, I’ll do it. How could you even think I’d risk you that way?”

“But Blayde…”

“But nothing! It’s out of the question!” He pulled out his communicator and punched in a number. “Nikolai? I need to get Ryan up to the ship right away. An agreement has been reached and we’ll be leaving soon. I need either you or Kyle to take him to the ship for me and watch over him until I get there. ” He nodded and then turned to face Ryan. “Prepare yourself. You’ll be taken to the ship immediately while I complete negotiations. If I hear from either of my cousins that you’ve given them a hard time, I’ll make sure you never so much as think of disobeying me again. Do I make myself clear?”

Ryan flushed and nodded, dropping his gaze. Blayde relented and pulled him into his arms. Blayde tilted his chin up with one knuckle and made him look at him. “You’re too precious to me to risk you, baby, even if that plan of yours had a snowball’s chance of working. Kyle and Nikolai will take you to the ship now and I’ll join you in a few hours, so we can head back home and get on with our lives. Be good and don’t give them a hard time, all right?”

“Yes, Blayde,” Ryan said in a sulky tone. Blayde leaned down and kissed him on his forehead, his nose, his cheeks and then finally took his lips. Ryan sighed and leaned into him more closely. “Whatever you say. ”

“Thank you, sweetheart. ” Blayde moved his hands down to cup Ryan’s ass. “Now put on some clothes before my cousins get here. I’d trust them with my life, but nobody could resist this sexy little ass of yours. ” He dropped another kiss on the tip of his nose and gave his ass a playful tap and a squeeze. “Though don’t lose your thong, darling. I think that’s a habit I need to encourage when I get you home. ”

Ryan smiled and Blayde released him to go put on some clothes before they left. He was disappointed and he sent up a silent little prayer that where ever Blaine was, he’d forgive him for not securing justice for his murder. Blayde was right,he’d probably only get himself arrested or worse if he tried to confront Judge Partland. He was too well-guarded, too firmly entrenched as a respected public official. Besides, Ryanbelieved Blayde when he said he’d punish him so badly he’d never disobey again. Of course, that might be kind of fun.

By the time he finished dressing, Blayde had packed his bag for him and was practically tapping his foot with impatience. Nikolai and Kyle were standing outside the room, ready to take him to the ship. He moved to the door and took his bag from Blayde, starting out the door to join Blayde’s cousins. Blayde pulled him back into his arms and kissed him thoroughly before releasing him. “That should keep you until I get back to the ship. ” He took a cap from the coat rack on the wall and pulled it over Ryan’s shiny curls and well down over his forehead. He pulled up his collar to try to hide his face even more. Finally satisfied he’d disguised him as well as he could, he angled a look up at Kyle and Nikolai who were waiting with twin expressions of amusement for him to finish. “Take care of my mate, cousins. ” He glanced down at Ryan fondly.

He released Ryan with another little squeeze and Ryan followed Kyle and Nikolai downstairs and out to await the transport they told him they’d already called for to take them to the spaceport. Once there, they’d find the hangar their shuttlecraft was anchored in for travel up to their ship. Ryan stood between the two tall Lycans, feeling dwarfed by their size but protected by them at the same time. He kept his eyes on the sidewalkas they’d told him to keep his head lowered quite sternly, so hedidn’t see the transport as it pulled up to the curb, hovering just above the sidewalk. He was surprised then when he heard Nikolai’s soft grunt of pain as he slumped down into the seat in front of him. His arm was jerked roughly as he was pulled forward and the transport took off and shot up at an alarming rate of speed.

When he straightened up in the seat, hecould feel Nikolai’s body sprawled out on the seat beneath him, still breathing heavily, thank the gods. Ryan lifted his head and found himself staring into a pair of cruel dark eyes, only inches from his own. The strange man looked both pissed and disgusted with him.

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