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Most Wanted (Love Slaves of the Alphas 1)

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“Welcome back to Earth, Randy Ryan. At least for a little while. The judge will be very happy to see you again, you little bastard. Now join your friend here and take a little nap, boy, so you’ll be nice and rested for the judge. ” He touched Ryan’s temple with the stun stick and the pain seared through his head like fire, and he screamed in agony. He closed his eyes as the pain swirled around and around his brain until the blackness took over and he didn’t know anything more.

Chapter Eight

Nikolai had never felt more cold fury in his life. For the past hour since he’d awakened, he’d been tied naked to a rack in this room, his arms and legs spread wide. Ryan was tied to the rack beside him in a similar fashion. Ryan was still fading in and out of consciousness, and though Nikolai could hear his ragged breathing beside him, his greatest fear was that he would stop breathing any second. He’d been trying to talk to him soothingly, reassuringly for some time now, though Ryan never responded. He hoped that he could hear him on some level. It was imperative he keep Ryan alive until Blayde and Kyle found them. The stun gun had prevented his Lycan wolf from coming forward, and it was still doing it. The partial paralysis the guns caused had somehow short-circuited his abilities, and though he could feel the effects wearing off, he still didn’t have complete control.

He knew without any doubt they’d come for them . He only had to remain alive and keep Ryan alive until they got there. They’d already been tortured with pain sticks for over an hour. Only when Ryan lost consciousness did they stop, but Nik knew it would only be a matter of time before they returned. He heard a door open behind him and twisted his head around as far as he could to see who had come in the door. A tall, thin human male of about fifty, surrounded by severa

l other large human males, bodyguards he figured, as they swarmed around him protectively, came in the room and over to where they hung on the racks.

“Well, a Lycan,I’ve never seen one up this close. You’re really something, aren’t you?” The human ran his hand over Nikolai’s hip. “Very beautiful. I understand that Lycan males pride themselves on never submitting to another male. ” The human smiled, though the smile was only on his lips. “I wonder if that’s true. What a lovely challenge to undertake. The stun guns are pretty effective, I understand, at controlling you. I wonder how long it would take to have you on your knees to me?”

The human punched him low on his right side, a sickeningly hard punch, a mind-ripping jolt of pain as he connected with one of Nikolai’s kidneys. Nikolai hissed in a sharp breath and turned his head to stare at the human. “You’ll pay for that, you bastard. ”

The man, who he figured must be Judge Partland, put back his head and laughed. “I’d call that bold talk for a creature in your position, Lycan. You seem to be rather at my mercy at the moment. ”

“I’m not frightened of you, human scum. I can take anything you can dish out. ” “Perhaps so, but what of your lover here?”

Nikolai was quiet, knowing he meant Ryan. If he thought he was his mate, perhaps he could

somehow use it to his advantage. Then again, it might only bring Ryan more pain if he tried to hurt Ryan to get a rise from Nikolai. Uncertain of what to do, he decided to stay quiet and give the bastard no information.

“Don’t hurt him,” Nikolai said. “Do whatever you have to do to me, but leave him out of this. ”

“But what would be the fun in that?” Partland walked over to Ryan and pulled his head back to peer down in his face. Ryan opened his eyes a little and stared at him blankly.

“I’ve been after this boy for a long time. I had arranged for his demise at the prison, but you and your crew of Lycans stole him from me. Did you really think I’d believe he died trying to escape?” He laughed shortly. “I knew you must have him and that it would only be a matter of time before you came to the other Lycans for help. I’ve had my people inside that embassy for a long time. Any people with that much money and that much power over the Alliance government, it pays to keep an eye on. I knew the moment you arrived with him, and I had my men wait very patiently outside until you showed yourselves. Now that I have him, I mean to kill him myself, but not before I sample a little of him. ”

Nikolai pulled against the strong ropes that held him in outrage and blind fury. He could feel his beast very close to the surface.

“Oh, would you like to watch? Why, certainly. I think that can be arranged quite easily. ” He turned his head and nodded to his henchmen. “Get the boy down, men, and make our guest more comfortable. ”

The guards came forward and untied the ropes holding Ryan and let him crash to the floor. They bent over and picked him up by his arms and dragged him over to the table in the center of the room. “Bend him over the table, and hold his arms. ”

By twisting his head, he could see them shoving Ryan to land on his stomach on the table and then each of the two men took his wrists and held him securely, while Partland unbuckled his belt. “I’m finally going to take what I want from this very pretty little ass. I think after that I’m going to fill it with my cock. Any tips you can give me, Lycan? Any words of encouragement?”

Nikolai roared with rage. Whether the fury and outrage helped him overcome the effects of the stun gun, or the effects just wore off at the right moment, he never knew. But he felt his Lycan wolf spring forth with a vengeance as he shifted. Ripping and tearing his way out of the ropes, the huge creature twisted his massive body and fell to the floor. He could hear the men screaming as they tried to run from the room, letting go of Ryan’s arms and allowing him to slump to the floor. He leaped over his body and caught one guard at the door, swiping savage clawsacross his throat, the guard’s blood spurting out onto Nikolai’s chest as the man’s lifeless body dropped. Nikolai turned and snarled again as he faced the men who were huddled together on the other side of the room, holding out guns and stun sticks toward him. He heard another commotion outside in the hall, people screaming and running, loud shouts of alarm and dismay, but he was already leaping. He felt a hard blow under his chest, but his momentum brought him forward. He could feel the stun sticks burning into his flesh as he fell, and then blackness engulfed him.

* * * * Since the moment Kyle stumbled into his room, his face registering horror and rage, Blayde had been almost numb with terror. He’d been going through the motions, not allowing himself to think of what might be happening to his mate and to his well-loved cousin as he informed the ambassador and gatheredthe forces he needed to storm Judge Partland’s compound. That must be where he was hiding them. Partland must have been counting on his high status in the Alliance to protect him, but the fact that the judge had really fucked up this time and taken a Lycan, and not just any Lycan but a member of a well-respected Lycan family, helped make the decision easy for the ambassador. Without a second thought, the ambassador had arranged for a complete contingent of Lycan guards, warriors in the Lycan army, to accompany him and Kyle when they made the assault. Blayde had forced himself to wait the half hour it took for the guards to arm themselves, not that Lycan warriors would need much against the humans, but they never knew what they’d be facing inside the compound.

Now as Blayde neared the target area, he was no longer just on a rescue mission. He planned on killing the judge, slowly and with extreme prejudice. If the man had harmed so much as one hair on his mate’s head, he would keep him alive and in agony for days. The hovercraft landed on the roof and they charged out and down into the complex. Partland’s guards put up a cursory fight that ended quickly when two or more of the warriors shifted into their Lycan wolf forms. At that point Partland’s guards ran screaming from the floor, stumbling all over each other to get down to a lower level. Yipping and growling, the Lycans followed them down, leaping ahead and mauling them as they ran. One captive, begging for his life, told them where to look for Partland. He told them he was in the basement dungeon with his prisoners.

As Blayde and Kyle charged down to the basement, they could hear the howls and screams coming from the last room on the hallway. Racing to the room they flung open the door to a horrific scene. Three dead guards were lying bloody on the floor, and Nikolai, naked and bleeding, was shifting back into his human form, while Judge Partland and one of the guards still cowered in the corner. But Blayde’s gaze rested primarily on his mate, and his heart almost stopped as he saw his naked body crumpled to the floor beneath the table. He reached him in two huge steps, gathering him into his arms. When he found he was still breathing, his heart started up again, and he pulled off his shirt to cover him before standing up with him cradled in his arms. Kyle was helping a wounded Nikolai, who was bleeding from wounds to his chest, to rise on shaking legs to his feet.

More Lycan warriors rushed in behind him, and he jerked his head toward Partland and his remaining guard. “Secure the prisoners and bring them with us. Contact the embassy and let them know we’re bringing in wounded. Make sure the doctor is familiar with both Lycan and human anatomy. ” Holding Ryan closely to his chest, making sure Kyle was following with Nikolai, he hurried upstairs to the waiting hovercraft. Making sure everyone had scrambled back onboard, including the prisoners, Blayde signaled to the pilot to take off before the Alliance police arrived. They had left no one alive at the complex to tell any stories about what had happened. With any luck they could make a clean escape, and avoid a galactic incident over this thing. He leaned down and rained kisses on Ryan’s face. He would never let his mate out of his sight again.

Ryan stirred restlessly and opened one eye to focus on Blayde’s face. “Oh, it’s you,” he said with a sigh. “What took you so long?”

* * * * Ryan awoke to find Blayde snuggled firmly against him, one big leg thrown over his and a tight arm around his waist. Blayde’s hard erection was burning hot on his thigh and he nudged it a little closer as Ryan tried to move out from under his arm. He woke up and tightened his grip. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I wasn’t going anywhere, Blayde, Iwas just hot. ” “Oh,” Blayde said irritably. He threw the cover off both of them and then lay back down, tightening his grip on Ryan’s waist. “Go back to sleep, baby. ”

“But I’ve been sleeping all day. You won’t let me out of bed long enough to do anything else. Please, Blayde. Wake up and talk to me, or let me get up and go watch some movies or something. ”

“Not a chance, sweetheart. The doctor said to keep you in bed for fortyeight hours at least. ”

“And it’s been more like sixty! Please, Alpha, I’m going to get bedsores. ”

Blayde snorted, but he sat up, rubbing his face and stretching. “All right, but just for a little while. I guess we could have a midnight snack. ” He got up and started for the kitchen, looking back over his shoulder at Ryan as he scrambled to follow him and pointing his long finger at him. “No. You stay there. I’ll bring it. ”

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