Just One Scandal (The Kingston Family 2) - Page 15

The buzz of his cell shook him out of the past. He put the laminated paper back into the drawer and closed it again before answering his phone to one of his brothers.

“Drew, what’s up?” he asked.

“Just calling to find out what ended up happening last night.”

Beck laughed. “You’re the one who had a bridesmaid all over him. I should be asking you that.”

“But you picked up the bride and carried her out of the ballroom. Sounds much more exciting to me. Where’d you go?” Drew asked.

Beck cringed as he replied. “I took her to the bridal suite.”

“Jesus fuck, Beck. Tell me you dumped her in bed and left her to sleep it off.”

With a groan, he settled onto his king-size mattress. “Something like that.”

“How about you explain?” An attorney, Drew was never one to let something go without getting an answer.

Beck slid an arm behind his head, stretched out, and told him how last night had gone down with Chloe, how he’d carried her upstairs and settled her in.

“Kingston? Chloe Kingston, Linc Kingston’s younger sister? That’s whose wedding we crashed last night? Carrie, the bridesmaid, was too drunk to talk much, and eventually she left and stumbled upstairs with her friend who was all over Tripp,” Drew said. “But back to you. Tell me you tucked her in and left her alone.”

“Wish I could.” Staring up at the ceiling, Beck bit the bullet. “I stayed with her – nothing happened – and this morning I had a scene with her douchebag brother before telling her she could stay at my place until she figures out what to do with her life.”

Beck pulled the phone away from his ear while his brother listed all the stupid reasons why having Chloe here was a bad idea. It started with her being a Kingston and ended with her being twenty-five to Beck’s age of thirty-two.

“First off, it’s not like she’s underage. Second, we’re platonic…” Despite his raging hard-on when he thought about Chloe. “Third, she’s nothing like her brother, and the fourth and final point, how the hell do you know how old she is? I had no idea.”

“I’ve been Googling while we’re talking. First thing that came up was her non-wedding and being dumped at the altar by her ex. The article in the society page that came up first mentioned her age. Now tell me how you know she’s nothing like her brother and why you’d bring a Kingston into your life after what Linc did to you?” Drew finished, sounding concerned.

As the older brother, Drew had always been protective of his younger siblings, and though Beck appreciated his concern, he knew what he was doing. “I trust my instincts and you should, too.”

After all the years that had passed since Linc’s betrayal, Beck had come to accept that Linc had still been drunk the morning he’d found him in bed with Jenna. Over the ensuing time at school, Beck had also seen his ex-girlfriend in action with other guys and learned she was no saint.

Beck wasn’t about to renew his friendship with Linc or play nice, but he wasn’t as blinded by anger and hurt as he once was. He just wanted to keep him at a distance.

“I’m coming over,” Drew said.


But Drew had disconnected the call, and Beck braced for a visit soon, considering his brothers both lived in a building Beck owned that was nearby. No doubt Drew wanted to meet Chloe and judge her for himself. Beck didn’t appreciate his sibling getting into his business, but that’s how his family rolled.

Sure enough, not long after the call, Drew arrived with Tripp in tow. Chloe had been in her room for almost an hour, and instead of checking on her, he gave her the time and space she probably needed.

“Don’t you two have something better to do than check up on me?” Beck asked as they stepped inside.

“Not when you do something stupid like let a woman you barely know move in,” Tripp said.

“One whose last name is Kingston.” Drew shut the door behind them.

“Did I hear my name?” Chloe walked into the entryway, coming in from the hall, and his brothers turned her way. “Or my last name, anyway.”

Beck frowned and glared at his brothers. “Chloe, these are my brothers.” Asshole One and Asshole Two, he thought. “Tripp and Drew. Guys, meet Chloe.”

“Hi,” she said, treating them to a wave and a smile.

“Hi,” Tripp said. “We met last night.”

Chloe blushed and Beck shot his brother an annoyed glance.

“Yes, umm, last night I wasn’t at my best. I’m sure you put the whole story together by now. Or read it somewhere,” she said beneath her breath.

“It’s not your fault,” Beck said, irritated with his siblings.

“What do you have to eat? I’m hungry.” Drew headed for the kitchen and they all followed.

Tags: Carly Phillips The Kingston Family Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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