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His Ex's Well-Kept Secret

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Did Piper ever get to take a break, to step out of the madness of raising a baby on her own? Maybe he could earn some karmic points by inviting her to see Amelia Grant-Childs’s art collection. She’d enjoy the art, and the break, and he’d enjoy her...

Was he really using karma as an excuse to see a woman?


Brain-eating bugs. It was the only logical explanation.

* * *

If it wasn’t for the fact that Amelia Grant-Childs used her fingerprint to unlock the door, Piper would’ve thought the large, windowless room was just another immaculately decorated space in the enormous mansion owned by the timber heiress.

Piper, trying to look secretarial, held Jaeger’s tablet to her chest, her eyes growing wider and wider as she took in the treasures in the glass-front cabinets and hanging on the wall.

Dear God, was that a Manet? And a Warhol?

“I am really not happy you failed to inform me you were bringing your assistant, Jaeger,” Amelia said, frowning. “I’d hoped to show you my collection in private.”

Amelia was somewhere in her seventies, looked fifty, and had a reputation for inventing the concept cougar. Her fondness for young men was legendary. Piper looked at the large red chaise longue in the middle of the room and knew her presence severely compromised Amelia’s plans to do wicked things to Jaeger on that piece of furniture.

“I thought I did inform you, Ms. Grant-Childs. I apologize, but Piper’s presence makes this process so much more efficient.”

And it keeps your clothes on, Piper thought. Jaeger’s text message, sent shortly before eight that morning, now made complete sense.

Amelia Grant-Childs has a collection of jewelry she wants me to value. In her younger days—as my uncle once warned me—she had a thing for younger men and I’m scared nothing has changed. Would you like to accompany me to protect my virtue? Oh, she also, apparently, has a helluva art collection.

Another text came through ten seconds later.

And it will keep you awake.

After a hellish night with Ty, she deserved a little treat, and Jaeger plus wonderful art was a near-perfect combination. Ceri offered to sit with the sleeping Ty, and after a long internal debate—she really did want to see Amelia’s art—Piper agreed to act as his assistant.

As for why Jaeger really had invited her, who knew?

Pulling her focus back to their host, Piper watched Amelia lift a hand to touch the massive diamond in her earlobe. “This safe room was specially commissioned by my recently deceased to house his treasures. It’s bombproof, theft-proof, sound-and fireproof. I need to get the contents appraised. The coins and the art have been valued. I just need you to look at the jewelry.”

“If you don’t mind me asking, who did the valuation for the art?” Piper asked, darting a look at the Manet.

“None of your business,” Amelia snapped.

Alrighty then. Amelia drifted toward the door. “My butler is on the premises. Push this button to call him. I’ll be upstairs and I do not wish to be disturbed.” Amelia rested her hand on the door frame. “Send the valuation and bill to my lawyer, Jaeger. God, you do look like your uncle. He was such a handsome man.” She glanced from Jaeger to Piper and sniffed. “It’s such a pity you brought her.”

When Amelia closed the door behind them, Piper tried to look regretful. “You missed out on a good time, Jaeger,” she teased. “I’m so sorry.”

Jaeger made a face. “Funny.”

His eyes turned a deeper blue, and Piper felt heat bubble in her stomach. He lifted his hand and swiped his thumb across her lower lip. “There’s only one woman I want in my bed, and she’s standing in front of me, as sexy as sin.”

“Jaeger—” Piper closed her eyes, feeling his heat as his other hand gripped her hip and pulled her into him. His chest brushed hers and he slid a hard thigh between her legs.

“You look tired,” he murmured.

“I am,” Piper admitted.

“You need a shot of energy,” Jaeger said, his lips brushing hers, once, twice, so softly she wondered if she was imagining his kiss. “The other night, after we kissed, I felt like I could hurdle mountains, swim oceans. Want to see if it works for you?”

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