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His Ex's Well-Kept Secret

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She had to think, to be sensible. “Here?”

“Where better?” Jaeger replied, his hand cradling her face. “Amelia is upstairs, the door is closed, the place is soundproof. Because of the couch, I doubt there are hidden cameras. It’s just a kiss, Piper. We’re not going to get naked.”

Damn, Piper thought. “One kiss?”

“One long, sexy, hot, deep, crazy kiss.”

She didn’t have enough willpower to say no; she didn’t have any willpower at all. Kissing Jaeger wasn’t something any sane woman with a pulse would walk away from. Not wanting to wait a half second longer, she placed her hands flat against Jaeger’s chest and tilted her head back in a silent, powerful plea.

Jaeger heard her, answered, and Piper felt her knees buckle when his mouth touched hers. He pulled her into a whirlwind that swiftly built into a tornado. As she flew on its winds of sensation, she oriented herself by clinging to him, by pushing her breasts into his hard chest, her fingers gripping his belt to keep her from falling down.

Or flying away.

God, he was good at this, Piper thought as he nipped her bottom lip before smoothing the sting with a slide of his tongue. One minute he was all power and determination. Then he brought the kiss down to soft and gentle before pulling her back up to hot and crazy. His hand didn’t move off her face, and the other stayed on her hip, yet Piper felt like he was touching her most erogenous zones, bringing all her heat to the surface.

She’d never thought she could get so hot, feel so wanton—like she was about to burst out of her skin—from just a kiss. It was a kiss on crack and she was addicted.

This, kissing Jaeger, was what she wanted to do for the rest of—

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jaeger pulled his mouth off hers and eased back, turning his head to look at the door. Piper followed her gaze. Her eyes widened as a young man dressed in solid black stepped into the room. He held a silver tray containing a carafe of coffee and thin china cups. He grinned and dropped his hand from the door.

“‘Sorry!” the butler called.

Piper tried to step away from Jaeger, but he quickly placed both hands on her hips and kept her against him. When she felt his rock-hard erection, she realized why, and heat climbed up her neck and into her cheeks. She looked at Jaeger through lowered lids, lifting her eyebrows as if to say, “Really?”

“Your fault,” Jaeger muttered. “Just stay where you are, okay?”

The butler placed his tray on the credenza against the back wall. “Help yourself. I’ll bring you a light lunch if you are still here later.”

Piper nodded and rested her forehead against Jaeger’s collarbone. Ack! Could this be more embarrassing?

The butler grinned. “I’ll leave you with the strong suggestion that you avoid the couch. It’s seen a lot of action.”

“Dear Lord,” Piper murmured, feeling laughter running through Jaeger’s body. Hearing the door close, she lifted her bright pink face and saw amusement dancing in his eyes.

“We’ll avoid the couch,” he said, his tone teasing.

“We’ll avoid each other,” Piper firmly stated, stepping away and crossing her arms.

In order to break the arc of pure attraction linking them, she walked over to the drop-leg table where she’d put her bag, her phone and Jaeger’s tablet. Pretending to be interested in her phone and trying to get her breathing and heartbeat under control, she ran her finger over the screen and immediately noticed she had no signal.

Panic flared. “Jaeger, there’s no cell service here. What if Ceri is looking for me?” Guilt flooded her system.

She shouldn’t have been here, doing this. Her kid was sick with an ear infection. What if they had tried to reach her while she was kissing Jaeger?

Ty was her first priority, always.

“This room is reinforced, which drops the strength of the signal,” Jaeger explained. “If you go back into the hall, you’ll get a signal in there.” Jaeger pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants, his eyes steady on hers. “You and Ceri agreed Ty was well enough for you to accompany me. He didn’t have a fever, he’d eaten earlier today and he was definitely feeling better. When you last checked fifteen minutes ago, Ty was sound asleep.”

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