Only for You (One Night of Passion 3) - Page 12

One leg bent and still on the floor, he placed a hand next to her head, bracing himself. He guided the head of his cock into her slit.

A shudder of pleasure quaked his flesh as he drove back into her.

“God,” he moaned gutturally. His harsh exclamation twined with her shaky cry. Bracing himself with both hands, he began to drive into heaven. Pleasure hazed his consciousness. He focused on her face with effort. She watched him with a wild, fierce expression, her beautiful eyes shining. Her pink lips parted. He wanted to sink his tongue into that tempting target. He wanted to taste her everywhere and absorb her cry . . . Claim it as his.

It was cutting at him that he couldn’t do those things and take his fill of her all at once. He was helpless at the eye of the inferno, and for now, the most he could do was burn. Might as well submit to the firestorm.

Using his boot for traction on the floor, he rocketed into her. She mewled with pleasure, gripping onto his hips and using her strength to drive him harder, higher, faster, her head lifting off the couch.


Her head fell back, bouncing on the cushions. Her entire body was jolted with the strength of his possession. He saw her gaze focus on the ceiling, a stunned expression combining with her rapturous one. She was watching them again, this time on that damn mirror on the ceiling. The distilled arousal shining in her eyes was too much. He felt that dreaded, yet longed-for tingling in his balls.

“We look good together, don’t we?” he snarled as he thrust deep inside her.

She yelped, her eyes going wide. He thought he might understand why. He’d never felt so heavy, so swollen with need. She gripped onto his ass and pulled him to her with surprising strength, using her hold to tilt her hips up.


He barely cut off a throat-tearing roar, muffling it to a groan as orgasm slashed through him. His body was paralyzed for a moment as it roared through him. Acting purely on instinct, he began to move again when the first wave passed, fucking her while he came and staring down at her face. She cried out sharply. His eyes rolled into the back of his head when he felt her squeezing him while he ejaculated.

God bless it, she was perfect. She was coming for him again.

* * *

She stared at the enthralling image of Seth taking her without constraint. She hardly recognized herself. Could that wanton, shameless female whose body quaked against the couch cushions as she submitted wholly to a near stranger really be Gia Harris?

She knew the second when he began to feel the urge to finally explode. She saw it. His expression grew even fiercer. In the mirror, she saw his smooth, muscular buttocks contract extra-tight, super-powering his already strong thrusts. Her body jolted as he rocketed into her. It was so much—he was—and yet she wanted more. She tilted her hips back and spread her legs wider in the air, offering everything. Sliding her hands over ridged muscle and narrow hips, she gripped the dense, flexing muscles of his ass greedily, squeezing his buttocks and pushing him to her.


p; When she looked up at herself in the reflection on the ceiling, her expression was wild. Then she saw nothing as she clamped her eyelids shut. His rough groan combined with the sensation of his cock convulsing high inside her made her muscles strain tight. His pelvis ground against her outer sex in a subtle circular motion, sending a jolt of pressure through her clit.

Then he was fucking her again, and all thought left her as she climaxed.

* * *

The next thing she knew he was nuzzling her ear and kissing her temple and cheek. She opened her eyes sluggishly. Seth lifted his head and met her stare. His eyes were light and dark at once, she realized muzzily, like the night sky lit by thousands and thousands of glowing stars.

“That was . . .” She faded off because her lips felt strange and uncooperative, and her throat was sore—perhaps from holding in tearing screams of pleasure?

Besides, words failed her.

“It was amazing,” he finished for her without hesitation. The sound of his deep, gruff voice and absolute certainty made her focus on his compelling face.

“I’ve never done anything like that before,” she said honestly. What had just occurred slowly started to penetrate her haze of arousal and tickle at rational thought.

“You don’t witness falling stars every day,” he said dryly.

“You mean it’s only going to happen once?” she asked worriedly, lifting her head off the cushion.

“Shhh,” he hushed, a small smile ghosting his mouth. He brushed her hair back from her face. His gentle caress should have soothed her. Instead, his cherishing touch, lambent stare and god-awful-sexy smile made desire flicker across her nerves like heat lightning on the night sky. Encroaching logic slinked back into the shadows.

He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. She inhaled the intoxicating, male scent coming off his skin and wondered what the hell was happening to her.

“The rarity I was referring to is you and me together. What just happened is going to happen many, many more times,” he assured her before he covered her mouth with his.

* * *

Tags: Bethany Kane, Beth Kery One Night of Passion Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025