Only for You (One Night of Passion 3) - Page 40

She believed him wholeheartedly in those sweet moments after the rapture of the storm. Still, reality crept in slowly once they were on the road again. They’d been in a fever of lust and had given in gloriously.

But surrendering to the inevitable and liking it were two very different things.

* * *

Seth instructed her to get onto I-40 toward Oklahoma City. She’d been highly aware of him studying the mirrors for the past hour as she drove.

“Do you think we’re being followed?” she asked anxiously. She hadn’t noticed him watching so closely before, but he’d been driving when glancing into the rearview mirror was more usual.

“No. I’m almost one hundred percent certain we haven’t been,” he said at the same time he reclined the passenger seat. “That’s why I took parts of Historic 66. It’s hard to tail someone on a road like that for long distances and get away with it. Now that we’re on the main interstate, just be mindful of any cars that travel for long periods behind you and don’t pass, even ones that are two or three cars back or ones that pass you but still stay in proximity. I know it’s hard in the dark, but take note of colors and makes of cars, if you can. Just be alert.”

“Okay,” Gia agreed, glancing in her mirrors. “I can’t believe anyone would invest so much time and energy to follow us this far, though.”

“For the money they could get selling an exclusive story? A reporter would follow you much farther than this,” Seth stated flatly. “Quite a few people would. Or they could call ahead and have a tail pick us up once they sighted us.”

She glanced aside. Had he meant someone else might follow them beside the press?

“Do you mean McClarin’s people?” she asked him.

“I doubt it, but anything’s possible. Has there been any contact made between him or one of his followers and you? Even something remote, like an e-mail?” She felt his searching stare on her cheek.

“No. I think you’re wrong to be concerned about it. Madeline and Charles agree with me. They’re just playing it safe with this whole escape from L.A. thing because they’re worried about the press. Do you really feel that differently about it?” she asked bemusedly, frowning at the road. “I happen to know that Jeannie’s mom has had Jeannie sent away to relatives in South Carolina until the trial, but no one thinks it’s because of a danger thing. That poor girl just needs a break from this crap.”

“I’d be a fool to act like I know everything. I’m just being careful. I don’t think there’s a bodily threat against you, but I think Madeline and Charles are right to want you away from that press zoo. I also agree that the chances are excellent nothing will happen in regard to McClarin influencing you.”

“Attempting to influence me,” she corrected.

“Don’t be so certain a man like McClarin wouldn’t find a way into your cracks,” Seth said. “Everyone has a weakness or an insecurity. Everyone. McClarin thrives off information like that. He preys on the weak and vulnerable and emotionally unstable.”

“You think I’m emotionally unstable?” she demanded, insulted.

“No, I don’t. I do think McClarin’s more dangerous than a lot of people realize though.”

“You don’t have to convince me,” Gia assured, gripping the wheel harder. Her muscles always went stiff at the disturbing memory of walking down the hallway in the Salinger home and opening that bedroom door. McClarin hadn’t realized Gia would show up for an emergency hair appointment with Mary Salinger, her hairdresser, that day. He’d known Jeannie was alone and vulnerable. Gia had made the plans with Jeannie’s mother over the phone. When Gia arrived, Mary hadn’t reached home yet. Her fourteen-year-old-daughter Jeannie had been there, though.

If only I’d gotten there sooner.

An ache went through her at the familiar thought. At least she had been there. Mary was an avid follower of the New Temple and in awe of Sterling McClarin. If Gia hadn’t witnessed McClarin’s crime firsthand, she feared McClarin would have hushed Mary. And Mary, in turn, would have silenced her daughter. It was just one more reason Gia was determined to testify and do her part.

“McClarin is finished, Gia. It’s just a matter of keeping you safe and counting off the days.”

Gia blinked in surprise at Seth’s quiet intensity. She saw the gleam in his eyes and knew he’d noticed her anguish at thinking of the rape. At Charles’s request, she had briefed Seth on what she’d witnessed.

“You all right?” Seth asked.

“I’m fine,” she insisted.

“Okay. I’m just going to rest my eyes for a few minutes. Wake me up in an hour?” Seth asked.

“In an hour? That’s all?”

“That’s all.” He crossed his arms below his waist and went still.

She checked the clock, but told herself she’d let him sleep longer than an hour if nothing unusual happened on the road. She was sure nothing would. Something told her that Seth wouldn’t “rest his eyes” if he weren’t confident all was well.

In the silence, her head filled with the volatile memories of what had just happened at that roadside gas station. Her sex still felt overly sensitive and damp, the nerves tingly with continued arousal. She turned the radio on a very low setting, hoping to distract herself as she drove.

Her resolve not to wake Seth went untested. After an hour, he uncrossed his arms and shifted his long legs. Gia glanced at his face and realized his eyes were open. He seemed completely alert. She looked at the digital clock on the dashboard.

Tags: Bethany Kane, Beth Kery One Night of Passion Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025